Tied to Mr.B (Feedback)

Start from the beginning

Okay, ignoring the fact that the book still needs editing and has some formatting issues because you are aware of that. I absolutely love this book. It isn't often that I can just pour through a book, but you have made that easy.

Those twists, girl! I just never know what you are going to throw at me. I'm not giving away any of the plot here because I seriously don't want to spoil it. It has truly been a pleasure to follow along as you have been writing. As for engaging more readers, I think we've discussed being involved on the message boards, entering contests, and really, just reading/commenting on other writer's work is often a way to get a new reader.

You have a fun, steamy, and engaging story that I can't wait to see how you wrap it all up. You are on the right track. Keep going!



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1. What did you think the book was about?

— At first, I thought it was a typical, cliche erotica about a dominant, and a submissive, playing hard to get. Although the blurb is short and doesn't give much away, you get an idea about both characters in the story.

2. Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations?

— Actually, yeah it did. This book was fun to read and I wouldn't mind reading more. It's quirky, sexy, and spontaneous. That's a good combination; plus the descriptions of the scenes in the story are vivid and relatable.

3. What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?

— The plot was well thought out. I didn't feel even the least bit forced to read the story. The best part of this story is the protagonist; she's different and plus size. A woman with curves, not the perfect body. This shows diversity and initiative. Most women can relate because not all women are skinny for the majority have curves in all the right places.

4. Do the characters seem real and believable? (Basically, can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know, if they do at all?)

— Oh man, can I relate? Hell yes! I can picture myself in her shoes any day. Been there and done that. These characters, specifically the main protagonist is real and relatable.

5. How was the pacing of the chapters you read? (Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Too fast or too slow? Why?)

— The pace of the writing flowed well. Although you have some punctuation errors; from what I saw and understood. The story flowed well and it's understandable. Well done.

6. How was the description of the chapters you read? (Consider if there where any information bumps. Were there a lack of emotions, too little describing, telling rather than showing, etc.)

— This story has a lot more showing, rather than telling; so that's a plus. Each chapter delivered and the plot sequence of events was on point. The amount of emotion in the story was good. You worked hard on describing the settings, the sequence of events, and the flow of the plot; it's very thoughtful. The only problem was the spacing between each paragraph.

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