Mannequin heads chap. 5

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They realized the sound was of one of the paintings of the ladies and Harry about panicked. They fled into the first room that was unlocked and once they got in there they locked it behind them.

The room was quite empty except there was a vase of water, a lone bookcase in the corner and a note sat on the wall. 

Harry had one petal left on his rose and there were cuts and bruises scattered on his arms. He set his flower into the water and it instantly grew its petals back and all of his marks were gone. He smiled and set the flower back into his pocket, Louis did the same with his flower. 

Louis stepped away from the book shelf and heard a loud crash coming from the outside of the door, Louis ignored it and walked over to the book shelf that only held a few books, most were in a different language so he couldn't read. 

"The gallery is like a spooky amusement park with lots of strange things," Louis read aloud, "it's so much fun playing here, the day was over before I knew it. Isn't it a fantastic place? Why don't you join me here? You'll be fine with all this company...." 

"What does that mean?" Harry asked the older man looking up at him. 

"I'm not exactly sure actually, must be just a novel about someone in an art gallery like we are," Louis said to Harry not telling him the full truth. 

Harry went over to the note on the wall, "I can't see it," Harry said looking at Louis. Louis lifted the young boy up so he could read it, "please do not touch the displays. If by any chance you damage any exhibits, you will pay with your life...," Harry read out loud. "That isn't very nice," Harry said when Louis set him back on the ground. 

"It isn't," Louis said looking around the room, "well, there isn't much in here for us, lets go back out." Louis said walking to the door, Harry following behind him. 

Louis went to the door that was next to the room they were in, "it's locked, theres a panel though," he read the little note that was next to it, "How many paintings of women are in this room?" 

"Harry can you go count how many painting there are in this room?" Louis asked the boy. Harry nodded and ran to count, he counted them and counted the ones that had broken out of the frames. "66" Harry said when he came back to Louis. 

Louis pushed in 66 and the door unlocked, they went in, there was only an easle and stool and a vase and water, which was empty. Harry saw little holes on the ground and pushed the table till it was on them. They heard a sound and left the room. 

When they left the room there was a mannequin head sitting by a stool, "....wha....was this here before?" Louis asked Harry looking at it. Harry shook his head, he didn't think it had been there before. 

The room on the far end had been opened, Harry ran ahead of Louis to it, Louis smiled slightly at the smaller boy. Harry walked into the room and looked around, all there was in the room was a mirror. Harry and Louis went up to the mirror and looked it in seeing nothing but their reflection. Harry turned around and saw on of the mannequin heads was in here by the door. He shrugged and turned back to the mirror. Louis this time turned around and the mannequin was right behind them. Louis screamed and fell backwards to the ground. 

"W...w....w....what is that!" Louis screamed. "," Louis grumped going to kick the mannequin head, Harry stopped him, "oh, right, that would be very immature of me, lets go we are wasting time." Louis said grabbing Harrys hand and leaving the mirror room. 

They walked out of the room noticing that more painting had been broke, they walked around hand in hand for a while till Harry noticed a key laying on the ground. Harry ran over and picked up, there was a crash right above Harry head. Harry stood up quickly and ran to Louis. 

They saw the green lady crawling around just like the others, they went aroudn her quickly and went to the door the key belonged to. They opened it. 

The room contained, a sofa, a painting, a window and several book cases filled with many books unlike the other ones they had seen along the way. 

"Couple," Louis read the name of the big painting in the room, Harry looked up at it, seeing it resembled quite fimiliar faces. Harry soon realized who they were. "What is it Harry?" Louis asked him seeing that Harry had been staring at it for quite a long time. "The people in the painting are my mum and dad," Harry said looking up at Louis. "Huh? The people are your mum and dad?," he said quite shocked, Louis looked back up at the painting then back down at Harry, "Aha... They do resemble you a bit, Harry, but why would such a painting be down here?" Harry shrugged and bit his lip. 

Louis went back to the door since there didn't seem much of anything in here for them, "the door won't open," Louis said looking at Harry who looked scared. 

Harry and Louis looked around the room for a place to get out, "maybe if we push the bookshelf there will be something behind it?" Harry suggested. Louis nodded and moved the smaller one and there was a big hole. Harry was scared to go through the hole but he went. He came out the other side. 

The sculptures and painting were all alive now and there were mannequin heads everywhere. Harry let out a whimper and waited for Louis. Louis looked around and remembered there was one more door that they didn't go to. 

"Come on," Louis said grabbing the boys hand, they walked to the door but there were a few sculptures, they ran past them and went through the door and closed it. 

They walked a bit into the room and Louis started panting, "This...this should be far enough," Louis said facing away from Harry. 

Harry fell onto his knees, "well...lets go then.... Harry?" Louis said turning around looking at the boy who looked ill. "Oh my, what is it, are you okay?" Louis asked Harry kneeling down next to him. Harry then collapsed out cold, "H...Harry!? Stay with me! Harry! Harry!" Louis said freaking out. 

Louis picked the boy up panicking, "oh my god," he mumbled to himself, he ran to the first room he could find. The room had a big painting, bookcases and thats it. He set Harry on the ground by one of the bookcases and took of his coat setting it on Harry. Louis leaned down next to the boy and rubbed his finger over the boys pale face, "please be okay," he mumbled. 

Louis knew he needed to give him time, he stood back up and went to the bookcases and started reading the books, most he couldn't understand since they were in different languages or they had old English so it was hard to understand in general. 

Art Gallery; Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora