Shall we begin?

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"Ugh whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?"
You said as you were awakened by the obnoxious sound coming from your alarm clock,you dragged your self out of bed to get ready for your first day at UA.You took a shower then put on her uniform.You grabbed her bag and ran out the door. You headed to UA you clutched your arm with your hand "I'm so nervous"
you said with short breaths as you started to have an anxiety attack "everyone will have combat quirks and I'm just here... ugh"you shook her head "no my quirk is strong but in a different way" you stoped talking to your self like a lunatic.You decided to walk a little faster in order to hopefully get there a little early. It didn't take much longer for you to get to the gate of the school.You were intimidated by the size of the school.You were looking for the room class 1-A when you entered everyone was either talking to someone else or by them selfs.You were one of the people who were by them self. You picked a seat according to a seating chart that was on the chalk board.You got the seat right in-front of a blond boy with spikey hair who seemed he wanted to be anywhere but here. You took your seat infront of him a little worried. You muttered to your self "This is going to be one hell of a time..."
"OI, YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY?!" The spikey blond hair boy screamed in your direction. You jumped at the sudden loud voice coming from behind you "I didn't say anything" you said standing your ground. "SEEMS LIKE YOU DID!!" He responded now his hands were producing explosions. You noticed. "OI! YOU GONNA RESPOND YOU FUCKING EXTRA?!" His ears were practically smoking
"That's enough Bakugou..." Aizawa said, he was in a sleeping bag on the floor,
What in the actual fuck, you thought to your self. "Also, (L/n) you are needed in the nurses office for your training" the man in the sleeping bag said in a groggy mono tone voice. "Hey,I would rather you prefer to call me by my first name... it's (Y/n)" You responded a bit annoyed. "Alright then, come back when your done." Aizawa said as he stood up in the sleeping bag. You left to go to the nurses office you could feel the stares from everyone including the blond angry explosion spikey haired boy. You whispered to your self "what the hell was that guys name again...?" You entered the nurses office.You were cut of by a small old lady waiting for her in the nurses office  "hello there (Y/n)" she said sweetly " I know you might be confused about why you had to come here but as you know you have a healing quirk that is actually quite powerful, so instead of you learning combat for your main class you will be learning health and healing."
"Alright! Seems fair enough!" You said with a smile that was hiding a pinch of disappointment. "So!" The old lady began talking "my name is Recovery girl, I will be teaching you how to use your quirk better and making sure you know most of the body's systems and it's healing process in order to make sure you can use your quirk properly. Sure using it right now is affective but with the knowledge it will be easier to work with and be better over all."
You spoke up "so when do we start"
"Well fist we need to see how powerful your quirk is" Recovery girl said. Suddenly a test dummy appeared out of no where.You jumped. "So this test dummy has every bone broken in its body. Heal it" the lady said pointing at it. You nodded . You walked up to it and held her hands over it.Your palms were now glowing you put your hands over the body as whisps of gold flew around the body causing it to heal at a very fast rate. Recovery girl eyes widened "Your quirk is the
most rarest most powerful healing quirk to ever exist." She said throwing you off guard as your healing stoped. "Wait... what..." You said as you stood up slightly tired and fatigued "but there is always a set back with this quirk. I'm guessing yours is when you use it to much you pass out?" Recovery girl said leading you to where she would be getting taught . "Take your seat and I will began to teach you everything you need to know"


"Don't mind that" the lady said "they are just having a quirk test" You thought to your self it's okay you are a healer you aren't meant for combat. "Let's begin with telling you your schedule First period and second is with me then you go to Aizawa for your third period you eat lunch after that and then say there for your fourth and come back to me for 5th and 6th." Recovery girl said as she listed your periods. "Shall we begin?" You nodded.

Here we go again (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader). -WORK IN PROGRESS-Where stories live. Discover now