Love Forgives

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That moment when you so wanted to hate a person, instructed yourself not to show a genuine smile, and convinced yourself that you have all the right reasons to feel that way.

But when he came, you saw his smiling face, quickly dissolving the great wall of hate you’ve built.


The very thing that I have decided to withhold from those who had deeply hurt me, is the very thing that I instantly gave away tonight the moment I saw my brother, whom I haven’t seen for such a long time, enter the house.


Truly it does not fail.

It forgives and it forgives easily. Even if the single sorry that we hope to hear never comes.

This is what the Love of God did to me. His Spirit enabling me to forgive whom I thought before were “unforgiveable.” There is no one who doesn’t need forgiveness. It is just our prideful heart that restrains us from forgiving others. Unforgiveness does not at all times hurt the people who wronged us. Most, if not all, of the time, it is our own selves we are hurting.

Choose to forgive today.

Be free from the bondage of an unforgiving spirit.

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