Goin back to shitty work

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Cuphead: *huff, puff* *wheezing* ugh I finally made it.

King dice: where were you?!

Cuphead: I went home but almost died.

King dice: *sigh* well we have a bunch of losers so I have a list on how many people you have to kill so...

Cuphead: wait, wait, wait there's assassination jobs here??

King dice: yeah now you know, anyways you have to get their soul contract and if you do you'll earn more than your payment today alright.

Cuphead:can't I do it tomorrow?

King dice: *long sigh* sure.

Cuphead: welp back to cleaning duty.

Chips: say, I heard that you have a well paid job today eh?

Cuphead: yeah but I said I'll do it tomorrow.

Chips: I have another job for you after you're done with that one alright it's going to give us a fortune.

Cuphead: now you're talking my language.

Chips: good luck though oh, and one more thing don't DIE. See ya.

Cuphead: what's up with these creeps here?


Cuphead: jeez y'all some animals. *sweep sweep* ~ I'm mr.king dice I'm the gamest in the land I never play nice I'm the devils right hand man. * cleaning tables, windows, counters, and the kitchen* ~ i can't let you pass cuz you ain't done everything bring me those contracts come on bring em to the king. Finally I finished now time to go home... wait where is home?!

King dice: I have a spare room for you if you want.

Cuphead: really? Gee thanks.

King dice: just call me if you need anything good night.

Cuphead: good night sir.

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