Part 1

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Once upon a time there was a gentleman who married a second time to a woman who was different from his first wife. She had two daughters of her own who were conceited and enslaving, just like herself. The gentleman had a young daughter, who was not just beautiful on the outside but within as well. 

When he father went away on a business trip, the step mother and sisters saw this as an opportunity to exploit and mistreat her. She was wrongfully stripped of whatever belonging her father gave her. Even the very room of which she slept. 

They forced her to do their bidding; clean, cook, and attend to them hand and foot. Her only clothes were the tattered ones she wore day in and day out. She was left with only cleaning supplies and kitchen accessories. Her bed? A stack of straw near the fireplace downstairs of the house basement where the chimney corner was. Which was how she got the name Cinderella.

One night Cinderella sat down and prayed to the Good Lord above, as she always did.

"Lord, please hear my prayer. Help rid me of the life I'm living. Away from those who do me wrong. All of this I ask. Amen." 


He was the oldest brother of his family. He was very protective of his younger brother. They were close and did everything together. Their mother sadly passed on do to a disease. Their father was nothing more but a tyrant and racist. 

When the brothers were old enough they both fell in love with a beautiful girl from Russia. Little did they know she had a secret. The woman was a vampire and turn them both into one themselves. She turned out to be nothing but deceptive and wicked. Which led to her eventually death.

As the brothers James and Stephen Masons started their newfound life as vampires, they realized with their powers they could do good. They killed off many slave traders and freed slaves. James also used his powers to charm ladies who crossed his path.

Stephen had found a companion by this time, while James did not. James started to wonder if he would never find her.

"Brother, whatever shall I do?" 

"Rest assure James, the girl you desire shall come."

"Yes, but when and what year?"

"I see what worries you."

The brothers continue to walk along the road until they reached the masquerade shop.


"What is James?"

"A ball!"

"Like a costume ball?"

"Yes! We'll invite all the unmarried ladies in the land to our home. No fair maiden will pass at such an offer."

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