Chapter three.

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Chapter Three.

"You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand! You say no! You have the guts to do what's right, even when everyone else just runs away."-Doctor Who.

Jia's P.O.V.

The girl that I was talking to... Nicola or was it Nicole? Seemed to have disappeared somewhere, it wasn't any of my business but she seemed upset. Really upset. I didn't mean to make her feel that low. I was trying to get her to talk.

The Overload boys began to come over and meet fans, before the football match. Whereas, Leondre and Charlie seemed to be somewhere completely different - perhaps they were meeting fans after the match was over?

To pass time, I unlocked my phone and logged onto twitter.

@Jialovesbam: @BarsandMelody, can't wait to finally meet you soon. Xx

I hit the tweet button and snooped around twitter for a while, different fan bases had started to post pictures of themselves and their idols onto their twitter feed. I checked some of the Bars and Melody fan accounts that I followed, no-one... Not a single fan had posted anything to do with Leondre and Charlie. It seemed kind of weird to be honest, considering there wasn't really anywhere to go outside of the stadium.

The Overload boys had finally reached me, I wasn't really a fan, therefore I didn't know their names apart from Joey and Ryan because of Bars and Melody they give me a small wave and say hello, asking if I want a 'selfie' with them. I politely refuse and so they move onto the next girls that are inline, which have resulted in crying.

The Nicola girl still hasn't returned, this is all my fault that she's disappeared... I need to try and find her.

Nikki's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight of midday. I looked around, slightly confused; then everything all came flooding back. All the hate, all the disappointment.

I started humming a single tune to myself. "Leo, hurry man. We're gonna be late.", oh no! They're here, I needed to move and fast.

I got up hastily, gathering all of my possessions. I began to walk, I still wasn't sure of my whereabouts... But I needed to move out of there. I picked up my pace, to a slow jog not daring to look back, just advancing forward.

There seemed to be some sort of garden I front of me, I decided this would be the safest hideout for now. I continued towards the garden, my gaze towards the ground.

I felt myself bump into something hard, it must've been a tree. I couldn't stop, not now. "Hey,you do know it's polite to apologise when you bump into someone." A voice called.

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