"Okay, baby. I will." Hyunjin says. Seungmin smiles, as he grabs everything he needs and walks out the door.

He felt like crying, but listening to Hyunjin speak was calming to him. Just knowing Hyunjin was there with him, whether it be over phone or not was enough for him to know that it’s okay. Or, at least that it’s going to be okay. He likes Hyunjin, no doubt. If the kissing and cuddling didn’t say that, then he doesn’t know what would. Oh, don’t forget the hand holding or them sharing a strawberry smoothie.

“Seungmin.” Hyunjin says. Seungmin hums, the phone pressed against his ear so he can talk to him. “Would you like to go on a date with me soon again?” Hyunjin asks. He’s nervous, Seungmin noticed. But he asks him out all the time, so why is this any different?

“Of course, Jinnie!” Seungmin says, his thoughts cleared of anything negative. He hears fumbling on the other end of the phone and a few things falling on the ground followed by a string of curse words. Seungmin chuckles. “What’d you do this time?” Hyunjin laughs setting whatever fell on the floor back where it goes.

“I got excited and knocked down my pencils and lamp..” Seungmin chuckles at the older. He’s cute, especially when he’s excited.

“Of course you did.” He senses the older pouting and laughs a little. He notices he’s almost to Hyunjin’s house. “I’m almost there, Jinnie.” He says in a sing-song voice.

“Yay! I can’t wait to cuddle you, baby boy!” Hyunjin said excitedly, schoolwork out of his mind. Seungmin giggled while blushing once again at the nickname. Seungmin saw Hyunjins house ahead of him and got a giddy feeling inside of himself.

“I’m at the door, Jinnie!” Seungmin says.

“Okay! I’ll hang up now~” and with that, the line ends. Seungmin stuffs his phone in his pocket and waits for the Hyunjin to open the door. When the door opened, Seungmin hopped inside and tackled Hyunjin into a hug. Hyunjin closed the door as he waddled with a clinging seungmin wrapped around him.

“Jinnieee!” Seungmin yelled as he let go. They walked to Hyunjins room and sat on his bed. Seungmin opened his back, slowly. As if he was being careful not to set off an alarm, or trigger a bomb. “Minnie? What’s wrong?” Hyunjin asks, seeing the youngers facial expression. He looks.. Scared.

“When.. I went in my sisters room.. It was a mess.. Not like a regular mess.. But it looked as if someone flipped it upside down. Everything was everywhere.. But on her bed, she left a note.. And I haven’t read it all, I couldn’t. I want to read it with you.. For you to read it to me..” Seungmin whispers, finally pulling the white piece of paper out of his bag. Hyunjin looks over at the boy with sad eyes.

“Okay baby..”

“Skip the first part…” Hyunjin nods and goes to the next paragraph.

“Lately, I’ve been getting bullied at school. People have been calling me names such as;Whore, slut, fat, ugly. I don’t know why, but they have. Their teasing and name calling got to me, but I never showed it. It got to the point of where people told me to die. They told me I’d end up just like mom.. That’d I’d have kids just like me. Worthless, ugly pieces of shit. But..It has finally gotten to the point where I considered killing myself. I never wanted to kill myself till now. I always wanted to make you proud, by graduating high school and going to collage. Getting married. I wanted to make you happy. I have always loved you, and I hate myself everyday I push myself away from you. I wish I could i have just talked to you about it, but I didn’t. I was too stupid and ignorant to do it. But it makes it worse that I’m actually going to kill myself, doesn’t it?

You were my happiness, Seungmin. You made my life bright and colorful. The best friend I could ever have. I’m sorry. I know reading this or hearing this probably hurts you more than anything. I know you’re going to blame yourself for your younger and only sister’s death, so please don’t. It’s not your fault. It’s my fault for letting it go on for too long. It’s all my fault. My thoughts took over my heart. My heart knew to talk to you about it, but my head told me otherwise. That i should just listen to them and kill myself. I know you’ll miss me, but I do hope you move on, Seungmin. It’s probably too late as I have left around 3pm. I love you, so so much Seungmin. I left some pictures of us in my room for you. I hope Hyunjin treats you well. Don’t miss me too much. I love you, Seungmin. Goodbye, for the last time. I’ll see you soon.

~You’re little sister,
Kim Nini <3”

As Hyunjin finished reading, he wiped his tears that were falling. He looked up at Seungmin who is sobbing into his hands. He quickly pulls the boy into his embrace. “Seungmin, baby, I’m so sorry..” He whispers into Seungmins ear. Seungmin shakes his head, his tears soaking Hyunjins clothes.

“Why do bad things happen to me?”

“Because, you’re a mystery boy. The world is throwing things at you, trying to figure out who you truly are. Who you are meant to be. What you’re meant to do. It’s just trying to see what, Kim Seungmin, the mystery boy can handle.” Hyunjin whispers.

Finished: 12:04 am


I spent all day working on this holy shit. Also happy 5k! Er made it to 5k and I couldn't be any happier T_T

Anything you wanna see as a 5k special in the next chapter or so?

Request? Idk

But yah
These are getting linger by the chapter if y'all don't like the long chapters I'll try and cut them down a bit ^^ loves and hugs~


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