The Hate (Chapter 2)

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  • Dedicated to All of the people who commented! :)

Marzia’s P.O.V



“EW!” I screamed running away from Felix.


“What?” He asked laughing.


“Argh! I HATE YOU! YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!!!!!” I screamed.


“It’s just an earthworm!” He said still giggling.


Argh. This is why I hate him so much. I hate some other people too. Here is the list:


Kalel Cullen, because she is just always so rude and annoying! I mean every time someone is nice to her she just sneers or insults them! Argh!


Anthony Padilla, because his ego is so huge it’s like a hot air balloon constantly growing. And he’s a player.


Ian Hecox, because his stupid bowl cut and he also has a stupid but big ego. He’s Anthony’s best friend and is also a player.


Melanie Moat, because she is always lying and you can never trust her. She is full of secrets and she is like the gossip girl.


And last but OBVIOUSLY least, Felix Kjellberg, because he LOVEEEEESSSS gaming and he is so annoying! He is dumb and his childish behaviour is so weird and annoying! Did I just say annoying twice? meh.


I groaned before pushing him away from me. He pranked me and threw fake worms at me making me freak out so badly. Argh! People might say I always act like a princess but I’m really not trying! But if they see me like that I can deliver! Hah. These people had a bad influence on me. I mean, if Anthony can play people so can I! I turned my head and walked back to Felix who was still laughing but he stopped when he saw me. He glared at me before walking away. I ran after him pulling his shirt so he would stop. He scowled at me.


“What do you want?” He said annoyed.


“You know, I think you’re quite hot when you laugh.” I said twirling my hair.


“Really?” He said with wide eyes before covering it up and smirking.


“Yep.” I said popping the p.


“Come closer. I’m going to tell you a secret.” I whispered.


He leaned his head in to my satisfaction.


“I just played you.” I said smirking.


Felix looked like he was going to just explode with anger. He shot daggers at me before stomping away. Suddenly he was pulled into this crowd of huge fake girls but to my surprise he kissed one of them. Of course it had to be her. Jessica. She was the school’s slut/snobby girl. Every guy would try to play her but she would just end up giving them fun instead but then she would just cling onto the guy and say that he was her “boyfriend”. I shook my head almost feeling sorry for the mistake Felix just made. When he pulled away from the angry kiss he saw who he had just kissed and ran away. I felt like someone just pierced knives into my soul and heart but I toughened up and just shook it off. I glared at Jessica who was shocked but smirking.Then suddenly I burst out laughing sadly but then it turned into real laughter making me fall down. I laughed so hard tears were starting to form at the corner of my eyes. But then someone pulled me up.

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