I smiled, trying to fight the dizziness I feel. Perhaps my fever has increased. Bringing my knees to my chest I rested my both arms on them and buried my head in them.

"If it seems that I am interfering in your family matter then I am truly sorry. I never thought of it like that... All I want is my friend to be happy, to live life without regret that he doesn't have a good relationship with his brother, his only sibling... For now, he might not understand the true meaning of the existence of such relations in life but as time passes by he will understand and so will you but then... it will be too late. At that point,... if luckily things work out in favour you won't be able to enjoy the moments of your life which you already wasted hating each other... I never intended to get involved in Zulqarnain's personal life but he isn't the only one I cared about. I care about you too."


Ahmar's POV:

"I care about you too." My head snapped towards her as those words left her mouth, but she didn't stop there and continues, "You, who are still young and trying to find your place in this world. ... Sometimes when I see the four of you, I got envy. All of you have the shining eyes of the youth. Carrying some hopes and dreams of your own... Which I have given up because of my circumstances... But I don't want you guys to lose your dreams... to tell you the truth, I want to guide you guys to the path of your dreams... chase after your dreams... make them come true. It is silly that I feel happy thinking about it... I don't know how much I will live but I would be proud of you guys when you will achieve your goals... And I will happily tell the world that they are my students... My very special students.... are you still here? Ahmar?"


"Sorry." Her voice came out like a mumble and after it, she went silent.

I grew worried when she didn't move for a while and called her out but no response.

"Hey? What is wrong?" I poked her on the shoulder, still no movement.

"Are you even awake?" This time I shook her shoulder and she fell upon my arm. I froze for a while, staring at her with wide eyes.

"H-hey! W-wake up."

"M-miss Hira? Hira???" When I shook her violently she slightly opened her eyes and closed again.

Instantly a breath of relief released from my chest. I carefully rested her head on the pillow and get off of the bed. Her body was burning, her fever might have gone worse. But I don't understand why I was out of breath and why my heart was pounding so fast.

I didn't catch the fever from her right???

Touching my own heated face I leave the room to call Ami.


Hira's POV:

"Shouldn't we wake her up?" This question was the first thing I heard. I tried to open my eyes and got successful but the sight that came before me was surely unexpected. I saw four masculine faces looming over mine. Like just shown in UFO movies. Luckily the four faces don't belong to aliens, they were my own students.

"She opened her eyes." Another voice came and the view cleared. I can clearly see the ceiling now and it wasn't my room's ceiling.

"How are you feeling?" Someone asked I guess it was Zaid.

"What happened? Why are you all here?" I turned my face to him but instead of answering me he exchanges looks with others.

"You collapsed because of a high fever." Tahir explained.

No wonder, I am still feeling drowsy...

"I have medicine in my bag." I quickly sat up.

"I will bring your bag. Stay in bed." Ahmar said leaving the room.

Oh! My Darling TeacherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz