Where do you belong? (Mean Girls)

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Damian: My momma used to tell me: Baby girl, don't ever eat lunch on the John.

Janis: Your mother called you baby girl?

Damian: Singing, ha ha!

Damian: So what if all the ducklings think you're ugly? It's because they've never seen a swan

Damian: It takes all kind of people who need people so find people you can bear

Damian: Go find your group, your herd, your flock

Damian: Come take a walk and answer my small questionnaire which I'll sing to you

Damian: Ahhhh Ahhhh

Damian: Where do you belong? (4x's)

Damian: You'll be judged on sight and made to fit so find a clique and stick with it

Damian: Say, where do you belong?

Damian: Let's take a walk in the cafeteria, shall we? I'll show you the world as I see it

Damian: Varsity jocks and JV jocks will throw you in a locker if you say "Hello"

Damian: The rich stoners hate the gangster whites though they're all smoking the same oregano

Damian: Here's the sexually active band geeks, I've got two words for you, 'Embouchure' and 'Ew' and if you like blowing and fingering

Ensemble: This is the group for you!

Damian: Back me up, show choir! Cady, where do you belong? Where do you belong?

Damian: We all get a box and that's where we go

Damian: It's stifling but at least you know. So, where do you belong?

Damian: There's girls who eat their feelings and girls who don't eat

Damian: I like eating birthday cake around them

Damian: Makes them crazy

Debate team: Debate team

Dance team: And dance team

Ensemble: They like to compete

Damian: And if they don't win, their parents ground them

Cady: Who's this?

Damian: Darling that's the mathletes

Cady: Cool!

Damian: Joining them is social suicide

Ensemble: It's all college applications and Doctor Who quotations

Damian: They wear their awkwardness with stubborn pride. This is my dance break:

Damian: Where do you belong? (4x's)

Damian: You'll be judged on sight, voted in and out cause that's what high school's all about

Damian: Where do you belong?
But who is at this table?
Why it's Janis!

Janis: And Damian too!

Ensemble: Ohh

Damian and Janis: We're not exactly joiners but we'll be good friends to you and our friendship means you can skip-

Janis: The geeks and the freaks and the peaking too soon

Damian: The strivers and survivors just waiting for June
The Junior achievers

Janis: The Christian Believers

Damian and Janis: The tall flowering wallflowers, bending on steamers
Forget this fuss and stall with us
Come to lunch and sit with us

Cady: Okay!

Janis: Yay!

Damian: Yes!

Janis: Sit with us!

Damian: Here's where you belong!

Ensemble: Here's where you belong! (6x's)

Damian: You need protection with pizazz and helping hands

Ensemble: That also jazz!
Here's where you belong
Stay here

Cady: Okay, I'm staying!

Damian: Yeah, here's where you belong!

Ensemble: Hey Cady, this is where you fit
Hey Cady, this is where you sit
Here's where you belong!

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