Lavender, Sweet Lavender

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The next day, you heard that a body had been discovered. You went to the body, looked for a sign of a pulse and sighed. "The body's been dead overnight, you guys..." you said as you lowered your head

"No shit, Sherlock," Fuyuhiko said, knowing this already, "You think that we're all the idiots!"

"When did I say that, you brat," you asked Fuyuhiko. Once you've said that, Fuyuhiko had grabbed a metal ball. "There will be two fucking dead bodies once I'm through with you, you bitch!"

"Young master," Peko shouted as she pulled Fuyuhiko back once again, "You cannot repeat yesterday!" Fuyuhiko attempted to break free from Peko's grasp as you took the metal ball away from him. "I'll get my hands on you!" Fuyuhiko shouted. You stormed off at this as he said that.

A moment has passed since you stormed off. You could hear running from Fuyuhiko, who had threatened you multiple times to fuck off or die in a hole. You immediately knew your fate was here. He ran to you and started to strangle you until you have turned red to blue. You weren't fighting him anytime since you could care less about your life.

You remembered the day that your older sibling had took you out to see the lavender in bloom. It was a beautiful shade of purple under the moon. As you collected the lavender, you had snuck a bit of belladonna nightshade so that one of these days, you can commit your murder.

The world had gone black from your end since you've passed out.

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