Chapter 1

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(A/N- I will TRY to update every day/other day. I am extremely busy, so I won't always have time. Also, I'm not great of a writer so this will most likely be a bad story. Enjoy!)

Ash walked through school, keeping her head down.
Just be invisible. Don't let them see you. They won't notice you, right?
She thought to herself. Boy was she wrong. Suddenly, Ash was shoved into a locker. She let out a yelp of surprise and staid still, knowing that fighting back would make things worse.

The school bully, Pat (Sorry if that's your name!), grinned. His 'friends' (they were really henchmen) stood behind him with their arms crossed. The other kids in the hallway just laughed at Ash as Pat and his friends decided to have their fun with the fragile girl.
Afterwards, Ash was left with bruises and cuts. This was all getting too tough to bear. She walked to class, trying her best not to cry. She sat in the back corner, like always. No one talked to her then. She was able to be invisible. Not even the teacher acknowledged her there. She barely listened to the lesson as she stared out the window.

Ash walked home. She snuck into her room, avoiding her overprotective parents, and locked her door. She laid down in bed and started crying. Eventually, the young girl succeeded in crying herself to sleep. Her dreams were filled of hope for the future.
Ash awoke in the morning. She got up and quickly went to school. It was her last day of school! She would finally be free from Paperwell Middle School. She skipped into school then immediately slowed down to become "invisible". She walked to her class immediately and sat down, cheerful for once. She knew that her cheerfulness would get her hurt even worse, however, so she tried her best to hide it and wait the horrid eight hours until the end of school, the beginning of summer, and the freedom of a new high school.

Ash's next class was English. She sadly got a class with the school's bullies, so the whole time they threw balls of paper at her. She ignored it though, not caring if the papers had writing on them. Usually there were insults on them. She stared out the window, and occasionally the teacher would yell at her to pick up the papers around her desk. Which she did. She threw them all away at the end of class and walked to lunch. The most dreadful hour of the day. The bullies usually stole all of her lunch money and then made her sit at a table alone. Even worse, it's the table next to the garbage. You'll smell the rotten foods and it's disgusting. Luckily-ish- the lunch had free food today in honor of the last day of school. So Ash was able to eat for once. She hummed the tune of 'Thousand Years' to herself after she had eaten.

Next class was Biology. All they did was talk the whole time. The teacher didn't want to teach. Ever. So, since Ash had no friends, she sat at her desk in the corner and laid her head on her desk. Slowly, she drifted off into sleep.

Ash was running. She was trying to escape not only the bullies this time, but this large creature looking like it's made out of goo with red puppet strings attached to it. She was almost out of breath. And the creature was the closest. Suddenly, those red strings wrapped around Ash's neck, arms, and legs and she stopped immediately. She was lifted in the air. A puppet. No longer having any worth. Just. A puppet. She couldn't move on her own. Breathing was hard. The creature lifted up its right arm, and she lifted up her right arm. Then the left arm. Then it clapped, and she clapped too. Her head hung limp until it forced her to look up and see him. The bullies were standing in fear. Ash wished she could laugh at their faces. But she couldn't. Sadly. Ash was then shoved into a bag, which had a journal symbol on it, with other human-puppets, four of them to be exact, and taken somewhere. When they arrived, she was taken out and she saw-


Ash woke up. She slowly sat up and noticed that class was over and everyone was leaving. She got up herself, picking up her bag and walking out. She walked to her last class of the day. Math. Her mind was clouded by that dream and what it meant. Who was that creature? And it was a puppeteer? She obviously knew the bullies were. But that goo was another story. She got yelled at and hit by a flying eraser by the teacher for not paying attention. Ash quickly apologized and pretended to listen, still thinking about the dream.

School ended and Ash walked home, wondering what it's going to be like now that she's out of the nightmare called middle school. She smiled at her parents, who were wondering if she was okay, and walked up to her bedroom. She laid down and an hour later, after questioning the meaning of life, she fell asleep.

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