The Fall of Wall Maria

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Writers Notes: Me again I'll be quick just letting you know that this will be a little shorter then the other part as that seemed way to long after proof reading it, also I want to get on with the real juicy parts. Bye for now

You awake a little groggy you didn't really sleep as you spent so long trying to come up with a plan on how to convince the Military Police to let Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt stay with you. Never the less you get dressed and look around to see Annie has only just woken up too.

"Wow you really were tired" you say as you admire her figure trying not to stare you quickly move your eyes away.

"Hmm yeah guess the journey took a lot out of me, well that and almost being killed" she replies it's so weird she says it so casual like. If I had almost been killed I'd still be reeling in fear. You think as you explain how things normally go in your home. 

She agrees to follow you out where you are immediately hit with an heavenly smell. Your mum had made a huge spread of different items for you all to enjoy. she's so caring  you think as you observe that she's not there. Curious you go to check her room...No she's not in here maybe in Darren's room. As you open the door you can see Reiner doing push-ups and Bertholdt just playing with the blanket lost in thought.

"Oh morning Reiner have you seen my mum?" You ask hoping he may know

"No sorry man only just got up myself, did she mention anything before we went to sleep last night?" he asks

"No don't think so maybe she just forgot something" you reply your mind racing it's not like her to just up and leave without at least letting you know. Never the less breakfast is getting cold, you start to plate a verity of things up for the group. Annie helps as well not wanting to be rude.

Before the door slams open it's Jacobson "(Y/N) where is your mother ahh no time come on get the others we need to get you to Shiganshia NOW!"

You almost choke on the slice of toast you had just started to eat before spitting it out and rushing to get Reiner and Bertholdt. "What's happening Jacobson?" you ask as you return with them

"No time we got to go come on I've got us a carriage waiting...This is bad" he whispers the last part just barely out of ear shot. You all follow him before the issue is staring you in the face. Titans a whole lot them, tens, hundreds your not even sure it just looks like a sea of gigantic bodies all heading here.

Running towards the centre of town you hear the screams of your fellow villagers being eaten alive trying to shield your eyes from the death and gore surrounding you. Before you hear a familiar voice, it's faint but you'd know that voice anywhere. It was Darren he must have rode here as fast as he could to help protect the town. As you look to your left you make him out as he cuts down a Titan. It must have been 13m tall.

"There you are (Y/N) move it bro no time for small talk" he yells out to you giving a cocky look as he turns to face the next Titan. Before easily dispatching the foe he glides over to you all saluting Jacobson as he lands replacing his blades.

"(Y/N) where's mum?" he asks harsher then usual. This must be his training kicking in , you think never seeing this side of him before.

"We don't know she wasn't home when we woke up" you exclaim slightly out of breath from all that's happening. "How did you get here so fast Darren" you ask still amazed he's here

"No time to explain we got to get you all to safety, Sir permission to go look for my mom" Darren says giving Jacobson a stern look. But before he can reply a horrific scream is heard to your right. It was your mum she's was being cornered by a 7m titan.

Without hesitation Darren like a speeding bullet propels himself towards her. Tears begin to roll down your face the weight of the situation finally catching up to you. "We need to keep going COME ON!!" Jacobson yells as he starts dragging you away Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt following suit.

You look back to see Darren kill the creature then scooping up your mum making his way towards you. However just before he can reach you his tanks starts spluttering "Oh fuck he's out of gas" Jacobson can't help but spurt out. Crashing to the ground with a wicked thud rolling repeatedly before coming to a stop not 50ft from you. Your mum landed awkwardly it looks like she may have broke her leg, the titans see them and begin to close in.

"NOOOO!!" You yell out Jacobson still clutching your wrist pulling you away "We have to save them" you scream out. The others look petrified and start sprinting towards the nearby carriage. Jacobson smacks you hard around the face.

"(Y/N) I know you want to go back but if we do we'll all die do you understand me"  he pleads for you to calm down

"NO! we can still save them we have to be strong like Darren like my farther, there's no way we're just gonna leave them behind" you explode back pure anger in you voice.

You look back seeing that Darren had gotten to his feet readying his blades to strike the next titan. Protecting your mother with his body. But it looks hopeless there's four titans getting closer to him, the tears flow like a waterfall from you eyes emotion taking over.

Jacobson starts dragging you harder away from the unbelievable scene "(Y/N) I'm sorry but I do this for your own good" as he picks you up over his shoulder clutching you tightly so you can't wiggle free. The last thing you see is a Titan make a grab at your brother and his scream of primal rage before you pass out the world feeling like it had just ended before you.

And so ends chapter 2 I hope you this wasn't to dark or sudden but this needed to happen eventually. Please let me know if there's areas I can improve on, Thank you for reading. The next part will be up shortly.                           

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