Chapter 12

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Adrien's POV

That... that bastard! How dare he do that to my princess! I saw everything and heard everything. My poor baby. I will save you from this nightmare.

But first, I have to make sure this isn't some trick that tomato is trying to pull. I quickly jumped from the window that showed a clear view of marinette's bedroom to the front door of nathaniel's mansion.

I detransformed and rang the doorbell located next to the big double doors that led to the inside of the house. I heard rushed footsteps from inside of the house before the doors opened revealing a maid.

She had short black hair that was cut neatly and big green eyes, kind of like mine. She had fair skin and a mole under her left eye.

"H-hello, and welcome" she squeaked as she opened the door more so I could step inside. I did so as I thanked her.

She nodded before calling out to another maid that was coming out of room that had big oak doors. She had long brown hair that was in a tight bun and brown , strict eyes. She also had very sharp features.

"Bernadette, can you p-please get the m-master" the green eyes girl ordered. The brunette nodded before going upstairs.

"O-oh! Where are my mannners, my name is L-Lucy" she said as she curtesied.

"Please to meet you Lucy, my name is adrien" I said kindly.


I directed my attention to the staircase in front of me, my eyes instantly narrowing at the sight.

At the top was Nathaniel himself, wearing a white tux and his hair slicked back. But what really made me angry, was Marinette.

She was wearing a beautiful red dress that reached the ground and her hair was in a bun, a Tiara with a red jewel ontop of it.

Nathaniel was holding her waist as she draped her arms over his hands that wrapped around her stomach. I grit my teeth but said nothing as they both slowly made their way down.

"How are you still alive? I thought you were dead!" Nathaniel Cried. His voice dripped with fake surprise and guilt, but you could just make out the anger and disbelief laced through it.

"You don't need to concern yourself with such things, I'm here to take what's rightfully mine, so would you please hand over Marinette and we can be on our way" I said, glaring daggers at him.

"Now that isn't nice, talking about Marinette as if she's some prize you collected, she is, after all, a human being" Nathaniel said with a slight smug tone, "She isn't something you can just take, she isn't an object".

'Says the crazy bastard who manipulated her mind and forced her to stay with him and love him' I thought bitterly.

I looked over at Marinette but her face was devoid of all emotion. I looked at her sapphire eyes, but they were dull too.

I was about to look away when I suddenly saw a flash through her eyes. I looked closely, and it was like I could see...


Marinette's pov

Nathaniel had dressed me up in a red dress and tiara and was now doing my hair. I hated this. I hated it all. I wish adrien were here.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Nathaniel halted his movements. He quickly finished my hair and took my hand.

He dragged me along down hallways before he was stopped by one of the many maids he had owned. It was Bernadette and boy was she strict. I hated her.

"Lucy has just informed me that someone has come to see you, master Nathaniel" she said as she bowed.

"Very well, you are dismissed" he said and with a wave of his hand, she scurried away.

"Let's go see who is at the door my love" He said as we continued to walk again.

Once we had reached the staircase though, my breath hitched.

There, standing in black jeans and a green shirt, at the bottom of the staircase, was adrien agreste.

The love of my life


I'm not dead (yet)!

Did you guys miss meeeeeee????

Anyways, I just want to say thank you for giving me suggestions on what to do for this chapter and I am very grateful. Sorry for updating at about 1:40 in the morning but I just had this sudden urge to write. My fellow writer comrades get what I'm saying, don't you?

Again, thanks for everything and stay pawsome! 🐾

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