21. Heard it From a Friend

Start from the beginning

If there was one thing Owen didn't need, it was spending more time with Silbie. Why Matthew accepted the Thanksgiving invitation, he didn't know. Well, he did know. The old man had the hots for Silbie's mother. Couldn't fault him for that because when it came to the Luna women, men seemed to lose their good sense.

Guess it didn't matter in Matthew's case. His 50 to her 44 meant nothing because—well because it was 50 and 44. Both ages, plenty mature. Too bad it didn't work that way in Owen's case.

If Silbie were only a couple years older, the difference wouldn't be a concern. But she wasn't, and nothing could change that. Had to accept she was off-limits. And he had. He'd vowed not to return to Parkers Prairie, and here he was, ready to go back.

Owen could decline, and he should, but he'd always spent the holidays with Matthew, his brothers, and Zari.

Maybe that's what brought this on. He was trying to reclaim the atmosphere from when his family had been complete, before Callie Filgard-Kline perished in Delphy and left Matthew a single father to her sons.

No doubt the situation with Zari reminded him how quickly life changes, and if he wanted to be with her during the festivities, Parkers Prairie was the only place that could happen.

No, Owen couldn't refuse. He'd just suck it up and get on with it. Hell, he'd make it a day trip. Drive that morning, eat lunch, then back to Dallas. In that short time, nothing could happen. He'd see her what—a couple of hours? And, there would be plenty of people around to keep him from doing something stupid. Yeah, it'd be a safe environment, so no worries.

He pushed back from his desk, stretched out his legs, and stared at the computer screen. Sixteen new listings yesterday. Couldn't complain in that department. Business was the best it had ever been. If the growth kept up, he would have to hire another agent.

Success was a double edged sword. On the one hand, growth was what he worked for, but on the other, more employees meant more headaches. As long as he and Dante could handle the workload, Owen didn't want to bring someone else on board.

The office door flew open with more force than necessary, and Dante stormed in. "You're not going to believe this."

"What? The couple didn't like the condo? I thought it was just what they were looking for. Let me guess. She didn't like the cabinet hardware."

Dante waved him off. "No, no, she liked all of it, they want to make an offer. That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what?"

"I saw Perry with another woman. The fucker is fucking around on Zari. I should fuck him up." Gritting his teeth, Dante fisted his hands and sliced the air with an uppercut.

Owen sat up straight. "Maybe she was a client. Just because he was with a woman doesn't prove anything."

He had never seen mild-mannered Dante so livid. "Oh yeah? Well, his tongue down her throat and his hand on her ass does."

"You're shitting me."

"Hell no," Dante paced the area in front of his desk. "Looked like she'd spent the night at his apartment. He was leaving, and she was giving him a send-off."

Owen rubbed his jaw, his head spinning. "I'm surprised you didn't confront him." Dante was always the one who started fights and got too far in too ever back down.

Like Owen, he loved Zari like a sister.

"Thought about it, but the area is too populated, so I followed him all the way to University Park. He must have been meeting a client. Went into a private entrance at 805 Peachtree. Look it up and see who lives there."

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