Chapter 14 | Suitors

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"Give Sansa and Arya some time. They are still very young... Sansa is grieving Lady's death and Arya is upset that Sansa lied to protect the Prince and that her friend ended up dead. Give them some time to adjust, they'll come around" she gave him a warm smile, which he gave back too, caressing her hair. "You have to eat and then you should take some rest, it's been a long journey!"

"You're right and by the way, you look very beautiful" he complimented her, making her happy. Septa Mordaine, on the other hand, wasn't as pleased.

"With all the respect, Lord Stark. Lilia looks unquestionably breathtaking, but don't you think she should change to something more discreet... more appropriate?" the old woman tried to convince her father who was extremely tired and busy to be worrying about a stupid gown. "She's showing too much skin for just a girl"

"Lilia is not just a girl like Sansa and Arya, she's almost a woman. Besides, if she likes that gown and it is, in my eyes, appropriate enough, I don't see why not..." the man defended the girl, making her happy. Screw Septa Mordaine and her opinions which no one requested to begin with. "You have many suitors"

"Many what?" she had understood his words completely, but she was denying them. Why would anyone be so focused on her? Why would anyone have any interest in marrying her? She was just like any other girl in the Seven Kingdoms, she didn't understand the interest they had taken in her. "I've only been in here for an hour!"

"Well, there are eyes and ears everywhere for anyone powerful enough. So, I guess they've already been enchanted by you, winter rose" he pointed out jokingly. But she was in no mood for jokes. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"Perhaps, we never know. Have a nice supper, the food tastes delicious. Enjoy" she threw her napkin on the table and left, earning reprehensions from the old Septa. That woman was seriously getting on her nerves, she wishes she could just get rid of her. If that was rude? Maybe, but she didn't care in the slightest.

She went to her chambers and watched the view from the window. It was bright and beautiful like she had never seen. Nevertheless, she missed the snow falling and painting everything white. In there, the colour was the most abundant thing besides spies and political gurus.

'How am I going to survive in here?' she muttered to herself. She looked around, her chambers looked cosy but it didn't feel like home. It felt weird like something didn't add up.

When it was almost dark, Lilia went out there to explore a bit. Most people were already gone, mostly because it was almost time to go to sleep and even those little spies would have to go to sleep eventually. She took a walk through the gardens and took some time for herself. The fact that soon enough she was going to be betrothed to some high Lord who is trying to lick the Hand of the King's and the King's boots. It disgusted her... profoundly.

After a while, she was going to go back but, much to her unfortunate self, she got lost. She didn't know where to go or who to ask. How could she be dumb enough to just get lost? Truth be told, in her eyes, all the hallways looked the same. As she walks and tries to find someone, she ends up in the throne room with the empty Iron Throne right there. She had never been close to it, she had never even seen it. All the stories she heard didn't make it justice, but she still had the same mindset towards it, nonetheless. She decided to leave before anyone saw her or presumed anything. She wanted to stay as far from that stupid iron chair as she could possibly be. As she walked to the Gods know where, she started hearing sounds that, as she walked forward, became more audible. Then, she saw Jaime Lannister standing in front of the place where they came from.

"Sounds like he's having too much fun..." she commented, catching the man's attention. Jaime was exhausted, his shift was ending soon. If he used to complain about the young girl that was because he had forgotten what it was like to stand in front of the King's chambers. "And looks like you are barely awake... You look awful"

THE LITTLE PUP (EDITING AND REWRITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora