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A month had passed since that day and news of the King's arrival left Winterfell in chaos. She was with Robb and Jon when Bran came running towards them, yelling at the top of his lungs that the King had finally arrived and that he brought a huge party with him.

All the boys had been forced to get a shave so they would look presentable enough to stand before the King and his Royal escort. Out of all, Jon was the least excited about that since he hated to cut his hair. His curls had disappeared and been tamed, looking as slick as Robb usually did.

Lilia too had been forced to cut the tips of her hair that, according to Septa Mordane, were weak and looked terrible when her hair was loose. She didn't complain too much about it, having no sentimental attachment to the bits of her that the Septa took from her.

She had gotten her way and worn the crown of winter roses, although she didn't wear the white gown. She wore a blue one instead, being one of her favourite colours and the one that suited her best. Her hair was curled and she thanked the Gods for that since she'd been sleeping in braids every single day since she knew the King was coming.

Currently, she stood with the rest of her family in a straight line in the main yard, where they awaited the Royal party to arrive. Lilia stood between Robb and Sansa, being the second child and the first daughter. They stood from eldest to youngest – aside from Rickon, who had prefered to stand next to their mother. It was the best thing as it was, since perhaps then he wouldn't act childish.

Jon also stayed behind them since he was a bastard and despite Lilia's efforts, her dearest mother found it disrespectful to their Majesties if a bastard stood in the front. Lilia, along with all her siblings but Sansa, who was extremely close and agreeable with her mother, thought that the Princes and the Princess could care less, and neither the King nor the Queen would be concerned with that – and should Queen Cersei be so bothered, she could very well go South again. None of them approved her mother's indication, they didn't do anything about it since they didn't want to create conflicts and Jon also didn't want to be in the middle of family struggles. He was already accustomed to staying in the shadows and he didn't like being the centre of attention, or at least that was what he reassured Lilia of. He always told her that being Ned Stark's bastard gained him enough attention for a lifetime.

"Where is Arya? Sansa, Lilia, where is your sister?"

Only then did Lilia notice her youngest sister disappearance. She shrugged as did Sansa. She could be anywhere as she would probably like to see the knights she was so fascinated by closer and sooner than the rest of them.

Before anyone could be sent to find her, the little girl came running towards them with a knight's helmet on and before she took her place, their father held her arm and pulled her back.

"Hey, hey! You take that hat off" he instructed, grabbing the helmet from her head. Usually, he never forbade them from doing what they wanted for as long as it didn't hurt anybody, but today was a different day and they couldn't afford to have her be her usual boyish attitude in front of the King and his court. He then signalled her to take her place between Sansa and Bran. "Go on"

She heard a light giggle behind her and discreetly faced Jon, who was standing behind her, smiling back at him. That action earned her Sansa's attention who was as impatient as ever and Lilia could not deal with her attitude.

She looked away to find the first of them riding towards her. The first to arrive was a boy of golden hair and green eyes that seemed to be as old as she was. She thought it was the Joffrey, King Robert's eldest son and the heir to the throne. He was escorted by two very intimidating guards. Lilia noticed him starring at Sansa and smiling a bit, which Sansa returned. Robb had watched the scene play out as well and didn't seem very pleased, which made Lilia smile softly. Sansa was hypnotised by him and his attention towards her seemed constant as well until he looked away. Her eyes met his brown eyes and she gave him a half-smile that he returned.

THE LITTLE PUP (EDITING AND REWRITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz