Chaper One ☾

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Warning ; This fic contains swearing as Bakugou is a part of it!

"Bakugou! Bro, wait! We both have Herbology now, right? Let's go together!"

Kirishima was practically hopping his way to the grumpy blond. They were both in their fifth year now and had known each other for a while. They had met each other on the train in their first year, while Kirishima had already made a few friends, it seemed like Bakugou had no intentions to talk to anyone. So Kirishima did what any excited 12 year old looking for friends would do, he sat right next to him and forced a conversation upon him. When they arrived at Hogwarts they got seperated, Bakugou got sorted in Gryffindor together with his supposed childhood friend Izuku Midoriya. Kirishima ended up in Hufflepuf which surprised everyone around him. They all thought he would end up in Gryffindor because of his loud personality and his instinct to help everyone who needs it, but the old sorting hat recognises a pure soul when he sees one. The red haired boy (at that time still black) didn't really mind, he had his friend Kaminari with him and as his dormmate. As the years passed he befriended even more people : Sero, Mina, Midoriya , Uraraka, Asui, Iida, Todoroki,... and many more. But the most important were still his closest friends Bakugou, Kaminari, Sero and Mina, people called them the Golden Five referencing the old Golden Trio who walked through the halls of Hogwarts years before them. Even now, the Daily Prophet still talked about the trio on a regular basis. Kirishima and Bakugou may not be in the same house but his 'out of the ordinary' friendship with the blond was very special to him so he took every chance he could to talk with him.

"Hurry up then Shithair!"

Kirishima laughed : "I thought it was 'Shitty hair', did I downgrade?"

"Shut up."

Kirishima took Bagukou's advice and kept shut. He was right after all, they were running late and the greenhouses were another ten minute walk, five if they kept running. They soared trough the halls, Bakugou pushed the third years that were in his way while Kirishima apologized to them behind him. When they arrived, they got scolded for being late and that was it. Gryffindor and Hufflepuf both had this class together, so the late comers took their place next to Kaminari and Mina. Mina is also a gryffindor and one of the few persons Bakugou can tolerate. As Herbology wasn't a class where they had to take a lot of notes but do more practical stuff, the four were able to chat together.

"Late again huh?", Mina asked.

"It's his fault !", Bakugou whisper-shouted while glaring at Kirishima.

"I know!", Kirishima whined, "I must be cursed or something! After all these years I still feel like there are a bunch of places in this castle I have never seen yet. It's like Hogwarts is playing a trick with me!"

"What happened for you both to be late?", Kaminari joined in.

Bakugou opened his mouth to answer but Kirishima stopped him by putting his hand over it. "Absolutely nothing hehe~", he laughed nervousely. Bakugou got fed up and hit him in his ribs.

"Don't put your fucking hand in my mouth you Shithead! He's fucking lying. You want to know what made us both late?! Shitty hair fell down the fucking stairs!"

Now that the secret was out, the other two friends burst out laughing.

"Seriously Kirishima?", Kaminari snorted," Isn't that like the fourth time now? I get why you're so good at levitation spells!"

"Oh Merlin, wait till Sero hears this!", Mina giggled.

"It's not fucking funny, this idiot will fall on his fucking head one day and even his stupid ass hair won't be able to break his fall."

"Bakugou, that's not true!", the red haired hufflepuf whined again. He wasn't that clumsy.

"Yes it fucking is!", Bakugou half-yelled.

"Young Bakugou! Watch your language!", the Herbology professer scolded.

The other three snickered at the familiar remark Bakugou got at least twice a day. Bakugou grumpily ignored his friends and turned to his Mimbulus Mimbletonia that needed his uttermost concentration. It is a pulsating plant that spurts out a thick liquid called 'Stinksap' when provoqued with magic. Bakugou, ever since he was a child, has had some difficulties with keeping his magic under control. Whenever he got angry, which was a lot, little explosions blasted from his hands with a pop sound. Luckily for him, he came from a pureblooded family and his parents helped him when his magic became too noticeable for muggle eyes. Yes, he was a pureblood but his family was nothing like the stereotypical pureblood family. His parents did not look down on muggles, his father even worked among them for a year to learn the culture and more about their peculiar ways without magic. That's why the Bakugou family lives with the internet and a TV at home. Still, Bakugou sometimes thought himself better than the muggles and muggleborns in his neighbourhood. That was until he met Kirishima, a muggleborn with no knowledge of magic whatsoever but who still managed to not look lost or intimitated by everything around him. Instead he lectured him for discriminating muggles.


A sound next to him interrupted his daydreaming, Kirishima hadn't been careful enough with his Mimbulus Mimbletonia and it had spurted Stinksap all over his hands where boils were already forming.

"Can't you be fucking careful for once in your fucking life, you fucking shithead!"

"What do you mean Bro? Careful is my middle name."

"Young Kirishima! Are you alright? You should go to the nurse office immediately and get these wounds treated! Go see Madame Chiyo.", the professer panicked.

"You fuckturd! Pay more attention to the things around you!", Bakugou yelled over the professer.

Kirishima ignored Bakugou and turned around to the teacher : "I'm very sorry Professer, it won't happen again."

"My ass it won't!"

"Mister Bakugou, your language! Instead of insulting your friend, you could accompany him to the Hospital Wing."

"Yes, pofesser. C'mon Shitty hair, let's get you fixed up."

"Again, watch your language!"

I'm not sure where I am going with this fic but I'll try my best! I really wanted to write a kiribaku fanfiction but I'm only at the end of season two in the anime so I felt that I didn't know them well enough to write a "serious" story about them. That's why I opted for a HP au because then the characters technically wouldn't be the canon ones. Did that make sense? Probably not... Well, have a nice day/night <3

Edit: I had to edit this chapter a few times because I kept noticing new mistakes lol. If you see something that doesn't sound right, don't hesitate to point it out to me!

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