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You burned my eye lids with your light.
Oh, the lovely sunbeams that are bright
You are a dazzling emerald in the sky
By just one look you made everyone die.
Yet you were a beautiful lie.

The life of everything and all,
By just standing there so tall.
One pull and you had everything lured.
You acted as if we were cured.
The way my vision was blurry,
And all of my senses came in a hurry.
But you were so dirty.

When you cried so did I,
Making the nights I gave a dissatisfy.
I want to join you and love you,
Bet they didn't let me get to.
You were too good to be true.

Why did we see each other rarely?
Are you really that deadly?
Darling let us become one,
Who cares if the sky becomes dun?
Oh wait, you ruined the fun.

All I am is just a moon,
That slowly will die soon.
You gave me warmth and light,
Making me smile in my night.
You turned around and didn't care,
As you gave me your cold stare.

I orbited and drowned,
Spinning around and around.
It's all I could ever do
Since you left me too.
But still you were my light,
That took away my lovely sight.

I was inspired my the ancient story of the sun and moon. In ancient China, they told a tell of how the Sun and Moon were lovers. They were happy and loved, but of course they couldn't be together for it threw the balances of nature off. And the only way they could see each other is every four years, aka Solar Eclipses. What happens during that celestial event? Everything turns dark and we all get blinded by the eclipse.

Think of it as the sun, moon, and earth were three people. Originally the Sun is male and Moon female. The Earth female as well. The male and female (sun) fell in love but of course their love had to be ruined by another female (earth), who too fell in love with the male. The earth was blinded when the Sun and Moon were together (Eclipse), for the Earth didn't want to see their love.

I hope this makes sense, I'm sorry if it doesn't.

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