"Hosh bear! What the actual fuck!" he growled as he looked at your face that looked sad "Geez Katsuki. He is a friend!" the way you pouted made him want to kiss you but he felt it wouldn't be a good moment. Also, his explosive temper flared "Yeh a friend that wants to fuck you. Are you fucking that clueless." as soon as it left his mouth he regretted it and just wanted to explode your phone, so felt it best to put it down.

He looked at your gold and purple eyes then at the necklace around your neck that you wore from him. "Well, I was going to say thank you for being a hero last night. But fuck you!" you snapped at him as he felt you push him away and slam the bathroom door. Flopping back 'Great fucking work. Why do I push her away? She told me she loves me but I keep fucking pushing her because I'm fucking jealous. I shouldn't be she is mine' he was mentally scolding himself when a thought popped into his head.

Jumping to his feet he walked over to the bathroom and swung the door open since you hadn't locked it. You were sat on the toilet crying a little but not loads as you looked up eyes glittering with tears. "I'm sorry!" he whispered before he picked you up and walked to the bedroom throwing you on the bed. 'I need to be honest' he was thinking as you lay on your back whilst crawled on top of you.

The way you looked at him with slightly puffy eyes widen from the shock of being thrown, your cheeks dusted pink from the boy on top of you. No matter how many times you had seen him naked it made you blush.

"Look I don't like you talking to other guys." he glanced away a second as you were about to say something but he wasn't done as he placed a rough finger over your lips. "I know you say I should trust you and I do! I don't trust them." he sighed placing his forehead against yours. "I know I don't tell you this shit because it makes me look weak but I don't want you to cry either!" he groans. 'God I look so weak to her no...' he is cut off his thoughts as your arms wrap around his neck pulling his lips to yours.

The kiss is sweet and he can taste the salty taste on your lips from your tears before you pull away looking into his eyes. "I don't think your weak" you mummer before pulling him back in for a deeper kiss you bit his lips with your fang which turned him on as he let you slip your tongue into his finding his tongue to taste him before you pulled away again. "I can show you how much I love you if you like," you smirk at him the hint of mischief and passion in your eyes.


He didn't know how to respond since he had made you cry seconds ago as you pushed him up off you and as you got off the bed he looked at you little lost. "Lie down!" you commanded him before biting your lip. 'Fuck she looks hot' he loved it when you wore his baggy t-shirt. "Take your boxers off" you commanded him again getting him excited.

"Good boy!" you purred at him as you reached for the hem of the t-shirt his eyes widen as you lifted it off you leaving you in pants before you slide them down your legs on to the floor. 'Shit I like this side of her' he was thinking as your hips swayed as you walked across to him on the bed your cheeks a little pink from embarrassment. You noticed his tie from the night before and smirked as you picked it up his eyes never leaving your form as you crawled on him.

"Hands above your head. You've been bad. So. I'm going to have to punish you." you pout trying to act sexy. The thing was it was working big time on him as he raised his hands above his head "Good. Now don't touch me otherwise you'll not be allowed to come!" you turn your head to the side and smile as he glares at you but inside it's turning him on big time.

Tying hands above his head you pull them slightly to make sure they're secure. "Now I first need to mark you as mine!" you smirk as to nibble his ear lobe his whole body shuddered as his breath started to pick up. Working down his neck you tested the different areas with little open mouth kisses, nibbling and sucking leaving little pink marks but nothing that would stay long.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now