Chapter 2

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When we reached the lobby of my apartment we meet up with two other of the Paralegion. "Its a pleasure to meet you Anafiel" "Its Anna if you don't mind". The legionaries before me both wore matching brown coats with the Paralegion symbol on the front of a shield with wings and a halo on top. "As you wish" the legionnaire to my right said. We walked out to a single black limousine waiting for us outside. I settled in marveling at the intricate designs on the inside of the limo. "Is this vehicle pleasing to you' the legionnaire said pausing before finishing with 'Anna". "Yeah it's nice who designed it" I said turning to face the three legionnaires. "We commissioned the famous designer Myriel". The name clicked into my head as I remember Myriel was the archangel of craft he had made all off the Angels weapons before he fell. "So how many of the fallen remain" I asked knowing it couldn't be much. The legionnaire who I had meet with first hesitated before saying "35". "35" i sputtered chocking on my own words. "Yes infinity has been viciously killing fallen by the dozens". I turned away to look into my hands before I looked back up. "one last question what's your name". "David" he said, "its David".

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