Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to My Dear Teacher, Ms. Melville

Months past and Elsa grew tired of the thinking, the mystery of where her mother was hiding was not revealed to Elsa because her mother had no idea of what she was talking about. Her days at school were fun and her friend Joshua was delighted to see her again. Yet Elsa did not want to reveal her mishaps to him for she might have imagined it


Elsa lay under her purple linen sheets, her throat was dry and it was 12:00 AM at night. She uncovered herself to the cold air. She brushed past her door as she staggered her way down the stairs to the kitchen; she filled up a glass and progressed her way to her bed. On her way she stumbled over the brown carpeted stairs and spilt her drink. “God damn it!” She said as she clambered up the stairs, she looked down at herself and saw all the water down her PJs. She went passed her bedroom to the bathroom. The bathroom was plastered white, white shower, white sink, white walls. She took her old snow white towel and dabbed the wet areas. Elsa was tired and she couldn’t stay awake forever, so she went over to the white sink and washed her face. “Ahh, that feels good!” She said quietly as the icy water splashed across her face. She dried the water with the towel and turned on the light to see if it was still there. She turned back to the mirror and screamed loudly, it was covered in dried blood and the tap was dripping out the red liquid, although there was a  form of writing, she managed to make it out, even know she was a mess. ‘I warned you, and I don’t give second chances!’ She screamed and in her attempt to run get out the room the door slammed shut; she knocked herself back and forth still wanting out. Elsa managed to calm down and look back at the mirror of blood. It was wiped clean and she could see her reflection clearly, until a line of blood was being drawn; it was making out some more words. ‘No point screaming no one can hear you! No point running or hiding I’ll always find you!’ The message stopped there and to Elsa’s dismay the pain was not over. All her childhood night mares were coming to reality. She slid down into a sitting position, she cried into her lap as she began shaking. Out of nowhere a familiar figure appeared in the mirror it was the man, the gloomy man. He stepped through the blood drenched mirror and reached for her neck. Elsa closed her eyes shut, clenched her fists, and bit her lip hard. The only pain she felt was the sheer terror of the events that were unfolding. She opened her eyes and she was back in bed her throat still dry and her clock at 11:59 PM. “Huh? Who, What, Where, When?” She said as she burst into tears, something was playing with her mind and she was determined to find out what it was.

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