Chapter 2

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Elsa relived herself from the safety of her home and ventured out into the cold night, that she had begun to dread. She rushed out onto the tar of the road; there was no blood or evidence of the man even existing! ‘What is this madness?’ She thought scanning the area thoroughly for any sign of the gloomy figure. Maybe her eyes mislead her; maybe her imagination took a wrong turn. Elsa turned back to her house and looked in through the white window, She looked at her garden; She loved it in bloom, the roses would pop out and colour the gloom of the world around her, it was her own small serenity. Elsa rushed passed her picket fence as she opened her plain wooden door. She hurried back inside allowing herself to look out the window once more; nothing appeared, although she felt like something would jump out at her like what happens in the scary movies. She turned back to the marble top, kitchen table and saw her mum making oats. What was her mum doing there, and when did she get there? Elsa jumped back and screamed scared her mum was not real and she was imagining her too. “It’s ok sweetie, don’t get your knickers in a knot!”  Katherine said with a smile, Katherine was a lovely blonde fair haired woman with large blue eyes that sparkled when she was in dim light. When Elsa was little she thought that she might be adopted because they look nothing alike, Elsa has her father’s looks which she is quite proud of. Elsa realised this was not a dream, her startled look softened and she stepped forward and gave her mum a hug. “Hmm seems like you’ve been in the wars, oh look you got your dress dirty, I’m not washing it again!”  Elsa let out a small laugh as her mother’s comment made her forget the previous event. She peered outside the window; it was sunrise although it couldn’t have just gotten light. She quickly ate her breakfast brushed her teeth and rushed outside the door and caught the bus to school.

The bus arrived at the school, and she jumped off, Elsa stared at the building, it had 3 square brick boxes conjoined, The garden leadingto it was dim, and filled with dead trees, the only thing not grey or black was a single flag sitting atop the building, she rushed through the green oak doors and out the other door to the school yard where they played. There, many students were rushing around creating excitement through the yard. Elsa placed her bag down at the door of her classroom and rushed off to find Joshua. Joshua was not as muscly as the other boys; he had thick black hair that drooped to his eye. He also had slight freckles over his nose which was not that noticeable in fact you could barely see them. Elsa rushed over to the old wooden bench that they always sit on; there Joshua was eagerly awaiting her with a grin that spread from ear to ear. “Josh!” Elsa said with excitement as she gave him a friendly hug. Her mood was beautiful; nothing could bring her down today. “Ell! How have you been?” He questioned her with a smile as her hug startled him. “Good, how about you?”  “Good although my Christmas pressies weren’t so go-.” He was cut off by the ringing bell. “We better get to class. See you!” Elsa said with a grim look as they slinked to go off to their separate class rooms.

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