"Can I be honest with you...?"


"Vicky, I'm going to be blunt with you for a moment. The steak needs more spice, and it is a tad dry."

Vicky's face drops while Fredrick's is in shock.

"Madia, you obviously need a better top chef. Everything else better be as good as you claim to be."

With that, Vicky brings out another plate. And another. And another. Each with their own insane excuse for not being perfect. Lady Adora has officially annihilated the chances of anything getting done for this wedding. Nonetheless, Queen Madia agrees with every word that spills out of her lying mouth. Though the queen scolds at Vicky in front of all the chefs and maids, she still manages to have a smile on her face. How does she do that?

How dare she! Vicky is the best chef in all of Scadia! At this point, Lady Adora has to have a purpose for hating everything that touches her tongue. The only voices of reasons are Fredrick and King William. Though the King is more of the silent one, he still puts in his two cents.

Queen Madia then spots me staring at the commotion, which I respond with hiding my face into my dark orange shawl. I continue to roughly clean the utensils, until I hear a familiar voice trying to reason with the stubborn woman.

"Adora, these people have worked very hard on these dishes for us. I'm sure you can let some things slide." Fredrick says in a soft, yet slightly frustrated tone.

There's a long pause before she responds.

"Fine. I guess those over there are acceptable."

A smile stretches across my face with the accomplishment.

"Thank you, Lady Adora. We will cook them to perfection for you." Vicky says in a grateful undertone.

"Come the three of you. We have a dress fitting to go to, so you boys go take a look at the horses for the grand entrance."

"Yes, my dear." King William submits, walking out of the tense room.

When I think everyone's gone, I walk over to the island to get the dirty plates.

"Let me help with that," Fredrick suddenly says, taking the plate out of my hands.

"Oh, Fredrick, you don't have to!" Vicky says before I can.

"Oh please, it's the least I can do after that whole fiasco." He says with various plates in his hands.

"Well, thank you, Fredrick. That's very considerate of you!"

Every time I try to grab anything, there he is to take it away! I put my hands on my hips, as I silently express my disapproval.

He walks past me, and whispers, "You work too hard. Let me do it,"

My heart melts at the small sentence, making me almost freeze in place. I jokingly raise a disapproving eye brow as I snap out of my few second daze. I reluctantly let him do it, going against everything I've ever learned. God, this man will be the death of me.

I make my way back to my station, cleaning the remainder of the utensils. As he sets the last of the plates into the sink, he lowers himself to my petite level.

Being as discrete as possible, he whispers, "You got this, Lily! Oh, and I hope I can see you tonight. I miss you terribly."

A smile forms from his sweet gesture, making me want to melt into a puddle on the floor.

"Fredrick! Come along!" His father calls from the hallway.

"Come see me later tonight." Vicky says once he's out the door.

Oh no...

Once I finally finish cleaning everything, I look around to see that everyone's finally gone to bed. Except Vicky and the other chefs, who are still cooking. I walk through the hallways full of paintings and old family heirlooms, until I finally get to my destination. Standing there is Fredrick in a black sweater and loose pants. His blonde hair is a bit messier, which makes him look even more attractive.

"You wanted to see me?" I say in a strangely low voice.

"Hello, Lily! How are you doing?"

"Um, I'm fine?"

"That's great! How was your day?"

Why does it sound like he's stalling?

"It was, interesting, to say the least. And yours?" I answer.

"Mine was a bit busy, but I'm alive." He admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

We stand there in silence for a moment, both of us not really knowing what to do or say.


"Yes, Fredrick?"

He steps closer to me, only leaving a couple feet between us.

"I want you to have this."

From his pocket, he slowly starts to pull something out. As I see what it is, I feel my heart stop in mid-beat.

What he pulls out... is a red rectangular box with golden embroidery. Topped off... with a gold bow.

Authors Note:

Hello lovelies! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was really fun to plan and write! So excited for y'all to see where it goes! ;)


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