I quickly pulled on the outfit and then my socks before I stepped into the shoes Alice got to match. Looking on the bottom of the shoes I read the label they were converse. The outside cloth was set in pink and they had my name embrodiered in on the side in white.

I hurridly tied my shoes before I ran downstairs to eat my breakfast. Just as I asked my mother had a warm cup of lions blood waiting for me. I gulped it down in under ten seconds and then let my mother begin with brushing my hair.

The feeling of the bristles running through each lock was another of my favorite feelings. It relaxed me no matter what kind of a mood I was in. When my mind was tired but my body wasn't it helped to sooth me into a slumber.

"Renesmee, Bella time to go." I heard my father call out.

Just seconds later my mother patted me gently on the shoulders before rising to her feet. I followed my father outside to the truck and climbed into the back. From the expression he held I knew he was worried for me.

I leaned on his shoulder and smiled at him. "Daddy, I am going to be just fine." I told him before kissing him on the cheek.

He took my hand and held it for a few seconds. "I know baby girl but that won't stop me from worrying. You will understand when you become a parent."

I stuck out my tounge. "Bleh, not for a billion years." I joked.

That made my father laugh. I sat back in my seat as my mother got into the truck and put on my seat belt. Just as we pulled away my mother turned around and handed me a backpack.

"Your lunch is inside. I don't dare want that disgusting school lunch going into your body I would never forgive myself." My mother said before turning back around in her seat.

"I put a phone in there incase you have an emergency or just want to call." My father added.

"Okay daddy." I said innocently before turning my gaze out the window. "I'm going to put on my music now." I told him before putting my earphones in my ears.

I began swaying to one of my favorite singers Florence and the Machine as I mouthed the words. In no time I saw the trees thin and houses crop up in their place. Then came the school. My eyes widened slightly as I saw all of the kids walking towards the three story building.

"Renesmee are you alright?" I heard my father say. "If you don't want to go you don't have to."

I took a breath before I looked at him. "I'm fine daddy I have just never seen alot of humans in one place before." I added before smiling.

That was the truth. I had never seen this many bodies in one place before because we never really went around humans unless we had to. Seattle was different when I went with my mother because it was an open place this on the other hand was a school, a closed building that probably held a few thousand. All older then me.

My father parked the car in the drop off zone and I opened the door.

"You need to go to the main office and ask for your class schedule." My mother told me. "If you get scared just call and we will come pick you up straight away."

I nodded my head before I slid from the truck and took my backpack. The moment I slung it over my shoulder I took another big breath and began walking towards the front doors that led into the large building.

As I entered I heard my parents truck drive away. For a second I froze before turning my gaze onto the scene. Several faces turned in my direction and with my hybrid hearing I caught a few people murming about me.

I clenched my fists gently before I started walking down the hall. Following the signs that read 'Office' I managed to get myself there okay.

"Excuse me but I think you are in the wrong school honey do you need help?" An elderly woman asked me.

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now