A few second passed and she opens her eyes.

"Hey dad" she said in a sweet voice I've missed.

Her dad releases me and runs to her. She hugs him tightly and then looks at her arm. It had a pattern kind of tribe tattoo on it.

"Grandfather gave me his star, he said I would need and to put my star into my necklace like before. He said that I would be the one to help the pack" she said

"Yes I know" he replied

"I want to show you something grandfather taught me" she said to him

She walked away and then looked at us both. Her eyes turned a color I didn't recognize.

"This can't be" he said wide eyed

"He taught her how to use the soul reaper power without inheriting it from me" He said as a rabbit then did as she pleased.

"Yes he taught me it, but yours is limited to when they are wolfs. I can't take anyone's souls even if they aren't a wolf. I can control their mind and make them do as I instruct" she said as her eyes are half gold half silver.
She then walks over to me.

"Hit me" she said to me


"Just do it" she demanded.
I attempt to hit her and it goes right through her body.

"That's not all he taught me, he taught me all the different ways to use these powers I have and he even trained me in combat" she explained to us.

"You weren't reconnecting with you star, he was teaching and training you for this" her dad said with a breath of relief.

"That's right, he said since I already have the power I was suppose to inherit, he said it would be up to me to discover the new one to pass down" she then looked serious.

"Alright" he said

"Well I should get back to the pack grounds, we're planning a celebration for your awakening." He said to her as he left into the forest again.

"Is it really you?" I said

"Yes it's me" she said with her hazel eyes.

I pulled her close and held her tight. I feel her hands wrap around me and it brings me relief. I take in her scent and cherish it. I've missed her so much and I was so worried about her.

"Hey follow me" She said taking my hand in hers and leading me to the lake. We walk on the surface as she holds my hand. Once we stop she wraps her hands around my neck and I place mine on her hips.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long" she said with a smile.

"It's alright, I'll forgive you" I Said with a chuckle

She tiptoes and kisses me, her kiss was something I've missed. It seemed like I haven't had her kiss or touch in forever. But just like before I longed for her touch and Nothing more. I feel her smile against my lips and she giggles. My eyes turn silver and she giggles in amusement.

"How the heck are you on the top of the lake" Yelled Everly with the gang beside her.

We walk back to sore and they run up to hug her. She smiled at them with her happiest facial expression.

"Why were you walking on water like Jesus" Said Tyler making a joke.

"Long story" I said smiling awkwardly at him.

"Oh you guys have to see something" she said excitedly

"What is it?" We all Said

"My wolf looks a little different, I have the star of the very first wolf in the first family, so it's kind of bigger" she said with a awkward smile.

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