Chapter VI - Dream On

Start from the beginning

    “Doesn’t matter, Cas,” Dean said, standing and looking down at the angel. “What’s this about essence?”

    “We do not speak about it,” Castiel looking away, “I may be in trouble for even mentioning it, let alone almost explaining it.”

    Dean sighed once again, “Alright, how do we find her essence?”

    Castiel explained the plan, and Dean shook his head in disbelief. Castiel’s plan was insane, they couldn’t help him because it would endanger Leila. He couldn’t let that happen. Everything had finally clicked, why did that always have to be when other things fell apart? Dean’s middle finger and thumb ran over his eyebrows. They dragged down his face to scratch at the short dirty blonde stubble that had grown along his jawline.

    “No way in friggin’ hell I’m going back there. There was some freaky mojo there, last time we went, Cas.” Dean managed, trying to use himself as an excuse instead of Leila.

    “I realize that,” Castiel replied calmly. “I was situated there after removing Lucifer from Sam, remember? Saint Dymphna was the one that assisted me in muting him from within myself.”

    “Dean, if Cas says that we can find her there, then I say we should try it.” Sam piped, “It could help us figure out how to stop these demons.”

    “We know how to stop them, Sammy,” Dean reasoned, “Rock salt works.”

    “That won’t work forever, and you know it,” Sam replied. “If there is really something else going on here, we know that whatever is attacking us will find a way to not be affected by salt.”

    “Fine,” Dean snapped, venom in his tone. “If we go here, how are we going to get in? We don’t have any excuses this time that are as bad as Sam freeing Lucifer from the cage.”

    Leila walked out of the room, having failed at trying to not hear their conversation. “I can help with that.”

    “No way in hell are you going there,” Dean said strictly. “Sam or I can do it.”

    “I have the logical excuse to get in right here,” Leila said, motioning to her bandaged arm with her eyes so that only Dean could see.

    Dean shook his head nearly unnoticably. “I’m not going to let you.”

    “Dean,” Sam began, only half understanding their conversation. “If she can help us, I say we let her.”

    Castiel looked at Leila and frowned. He could sense something within her, something… dark.  He couldn’t pinpoint the cause of the pain and it frustrated him. He focused on her more and more, but nothing told him what was going on. His two fingers pressed against each other, ready to heal what was wrong. But he needed to focus on what needed fixed, and that didn’t seem possible with Leila. What could possibly be wrong with her? Castiel wondered.

    “Please let me help,” Leila begged, wanting to feel like a part of something. “I can do it, you know I can.” Her bottom lip jutted out a tad with her request.

    Dean sighed, he was always a sucker for his brother’s puppy dog eyes. That was usually it. Now, he was another victim taken by Leila’s infamous pout. He tried to ignore it, fighting internally with himself until he knew he had to do what would get rid of the demons. “Alright, fine,” He said in his grizzly voice. “But I get to take you there and I’m not leaving until they physically drag my ass out of there.”

    Leila nodded, just relieved he’d actually let her help. “Well then… How about we leave first thing tomorrow morning?”

    “Sounds like a plan,” Sam agreed before Dean could shut down the idea.

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