Part 1

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"Class, quiet down, we have a new student!" Ms. Gretchel, my new teacher called out loudly while pushing me in front of her. "Introduce yourself."

Ugh, I hate this.

"..." My heart beating wildly, I took a few calming deep breaths, trying desperately to think of something witty to say. In my head an argument had formed, fighting over the best strategy.

- Make a pun! Shouted one corner of my brain.

- No! BAD idea, STUPID idea, There's no talent available for making puns! Replied the other corner.

- Just play it safe then! Normal introduction for a normal person!


"Is her superpower standing there silently?" A boy wearing an eyepatch called out with a snide grin. The class chuckled quietly.


-Quick! Is there a funny joke to make about talking below audible volume? Like the emperor's new clothes, only cool people can hear it?

- Seems desperate and mean, I think it's best just stick to the normal introduction plan.

- Or just keep standing here uncomfortably silent since that seems to be working so well.

I cleared my throat, cancelling out my argument with myself and tried to proceed.

"I'm Tess."

- Minimalist approach. Perfect!

"..." The class was silent. There was an expectant air in the room. I broke out in a cold sweat.

- Am I supposed to say more?! There were no instructions for this!

Before I could panic more, the teacher stepped in.

"Tess where did you transfer from?"

- Wow, Ms. Gretchel... I know you're trying to help but way to go for the jugular in terms of uncomfortable topics.

"I... I'm transferring from S. T. High."

The room descended into chaos. The murmuring turned into flat out normal volume discussions as every stared at me with avid curiosity. It was to be expected after all.

A girl with blue hair raised her hand, her fingertips glowing slightly. "I have a question."

-Can I refuse questions?

I kept my mouth shut, so the teacher answered for me.

"Yes of course, what's your question, Esther?"

- This teacher is so not getting the "thank you" fruit basket I made for her. I'm definitely eating it instead.

As Esther or the Ms. Gretchel were not privy to my disgruntled thoughts, they continued the conversation without my input.

"Why would you transfer her to Loser High?"

"ESTHER! That's not the name of this school."

"Oh sorry." The girl rolled her eyes. "L P High"

I grimaced. "I'd prefer not to answer that."

The class groaned.

"Why not?"

- Give me a break!

"Isn't it obvious?" Eyepatch boy was back. "She flunked out. Her super power wasn't so great after all." He shrugged with a bitter expression. "Why else would she be here with the rest of us rejects?"

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