Chapter Twelve: The Tale of Bryony Redruth

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    "Am I seeing this correctly?" Sebastian asked her, trying not to show how disconcerted he really was.  "I'm afraid my eyesight is... well, fading, insofar as my supernatural sight." 

    "I see what looks like the outline of a square right below us, where Bryony would have landed," the maid answered.  "But it's too far away to get a very detailed look.  What do you see?" 

    "There appears to be splinters around the square," Sebastian told her, bringing a gloved hand to his chin in thought.  "But that's all I can make out at this distance.  I used to be able to discern the details on a signet ring in a photograph... now it is as if I can barely see."  he glanced over his shoulder across the theatre to see employees ushering audience members outside.  Time was running short.  "If there are splinters, perhaps Bryony was meant to fall through another layer of flooring; perhaps there is something else lower underground." 

    Sebastian and Matilda turned to see Sir Arthur approaching them, looking distinctly aggravated, while Edward Abberline followed him with an air of relief.  Ciel and Bryony spotted him as well; the earl narrowed his eyes in anticipation. 

    "We've ordered the whole theatre to clear out," the police commissioner explained to the four of them.  "We will have men guarding the theatre overnight, and we will conduct a thorough investigation tomorrow.  Lord Phantomhive," he turned his attention to the boy earl.  "I have a deal to make with you." 

    "As it happens, I am rather fond of deals," Ciel said, sharing a smirk with Sebastian.  "What can we do for you, Sir Arthur?" 

    "I will give you access to all files and restricted areas related to this case," he proposed.  "If you will share all information you and your monster of a butler discover with the Yard." 

    "I am no monster, Sir Arthur," Sebastian corrected.  "Rather, I am one hell of a butler." 

    Ciel rolled his eyes at his butler, returning his attention to Sir Arthur.  "I believe that will work in both of our favors.  Very well; it's a deal." 

    The commissioner nodded curtly before turning and leaving as quickly as he decently could, with Abberline following. 

    The earl jerked his head towards the exit.  "Come," he commanded the other three.  "Let's rejoin the others; they're probably already outside and waiting for us by now." 

    Charles Grey had, it seemed, left the premises after his altercation with the earl, so Charles Phipps had sent for Snake to draw the second carriage.  Ciel and Sebastian climbed into Phipps's carriage with Elizabeth and Paula, leaving Lau, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni, Matilda and Bryony to cram into Snake's carriage.  After a moment of silence, Bryony volunteered to sit next to the footman.  She climbed nimbly up to the top seat of the carriage, where a stunned Snake sat frozen, unsure how to respond.  After a brief awkward exchange of glances - in which Bryony smiled timidly and Snake's eyes grew wide - the footman snapped the reigns and sent the carriage moving towards home, with Phipps's carriage following. 

    When they arrived back at the Phantomhive manor, they were greeted by a surprised Grell Sutcliffe.  "What on earth are you doing back so soon?  Surely the ballet isn't over yet?"

    "Good evening to you, Grell," Sebastian said ever-so-placidly as he held the carriage door open for Ciel, Elizabeth, and Paula.  "I'm afraid we had to return early thanks to an attempt on the life of the prima ballerina.  As a matter of fact, it's good that we have a reaper among us tonight; we may have to ask you some questions, Grell." 

    Grell cast the butler a questioning look but said nothing, which was unusual for her. 

    Ciel and Matilda led Bryony into the parlor, followed by Lau, Ran Mao, Prince Soma, Lady Elizabeth, and Grell.  Paula left to attend to her godson, and Agni and Sebastian left to prepare tea for the nobles.  Sebastian entered minutes later with a steaming pot and seven teacups, but Agni decided to search for work elsewhere in the house. 

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