Henry's Present

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     I doubt he will like my present I got him his own car. My dad and Henry's mom let us stay home to celebrate his birthday. I going to get changed into my pink dress. I walk downstairs and immediately our eyes meet. "Good morning!" He says. "Oh just wait till you see my present" I giggled. I quickly eat breakfast. We set up Henry's party in the backyard. I go feed my puppy and pat her on her head. After 2 hours, we are finished and I'm hungry again. We go to get Henry and see he invited some more people. After, we finished eating we just jumped right into presents. Henry opened everyone I decide after everyone left I would show my presence. I went to change in some pants and Henry was already in there changing. I really need my own room. Since Winston died I guess I will have his room. Henry finally finished changing and I changed into something more comfortable. Henry kept asking for his present so I said fine. I put a blindfold on him and lead him outside as I removed the blindfold. I felt as if I was in a trance as I just stood there in front of him. I quickly snapped out of my trance and finished taking off the blindfold. After I removed the blindfold his eyes bounced from the car to me. I felt the sudden urge to squeeze him and never let go. Instead, he gave me a hug and thanked me I didn't want to release my grip. I looked at him for a moment and said "your welcome". I went to bed early last night I knew this would have to come I'm getting Winston's old room. I found Anna in the courtyard with her nose in a book. I walk to her but she stops me before I can start talking. She says "listen, Alex, I'm sorry I like him that's it". I get confused I try to think of what she talking about. She slams her book close and storms away. A girl from the dance team walks up to me and smirks. I told myself no fights this school year but I couldn't take it. She grabbed my hair and I started punching her stomach. As she grabbed my hair with all my force I punched her nose. I heard a crack and immediately backed up. No teachers were around so I quickly backed up and so did she. Mr.James came walking over here I told everyone to act normal. I apparently forgot people were videotaping. I was sent to the administrator's office for breaking her nose. My dad picked me up but seemed not to care. My dad dropped me off at home. I guess I'm by myself I decided to snoop in Henry's room. I wonder if I'll find a diary or something. I fed my puppy and played with her for a while. I decide from all that snooping and playing around I'm tired. So I lay down for a nap and slept for 2 hours. I woke up and it's Wednesday. I get up and get dressed I go downstairs for breakfast. Henry drives his car to school and I drive mine. I go to look for Anna but she is already running over to me. She keeps running and it seems like she running to someone behind me. I turn around and Henry is there. I never thought a day like this would come and I hate fake friends. I turned to look around the courtyard but instead someone was in front of me. I glanced up at his face and he was cuter than Winston or Henry. I knew who he was his name was Noah. I at first felt disgusted by how close he was to me. I backed up and tensed a little he was in fact extremely close to me. " Hey beautiful" he said an then smirked. I decided if I didn't have Anna as a friend I needed someone. I looked right at him and kicked him where it hurts. I went to go turn around and then he slapped my ass. I pretty sure everyone noticed by the loud smack. Henry, I think was first to notice I quickly walked away. I was really early in the class that day and we got a new student. I heard another party is happening I didn't really go because of last time. Noah came up to my lunch table and asked me to go. I was playing hard to get so I declined. I decided I would go just without him to make him mad. I don't like Noah I just am really bored since I don't have friends. I go shopping and find the perfect outfit. It's a red spaghetti strap shirt and a black shirt and I pair them with Fila. I did my normal makeup routine and then got dressed. I wanted to seem less desperate so I even wore hoop earrings. I arrived at the party and I spotted a girl she seemed to be crying so I walked over to see what's wrong. I talked to her for a couple of minutes before the party started. She had gotten stood up and I understood how she felt. I went inside the party and spotted Noah first because he was at the door waiting for me. Noah hadn't noticed me so I thought I could sneak in. I saw my shoes untied and heard someone coming up to me. It was Noah I could tell but he didn't know who I was. He asked if you seen a girl named Alex he seemed so kind. I then looked up as if a light was over my head. He looked at me and I look at him. In movies this would be the part were we kiss but I didn't like him like that. I felt confused could I have fallen in love with him. I totally forgot he was standing there I snapped out of my daze. Before I could even start he reached for my face and kissed me. I pushed him off of me he apologized and ran inside to the party. I stood there frozen he just kissed me I was so confused. Half of me wanted Henry but could half of me want Noah. I drove home because I couldn't take it I moved my stuff from Henry's room to my new room. I turned to a blank wall and decided I was going to need help to paint this wall.

The Love Flowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें