(Do you even care?)

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Klaus, ben and diego had been very close to each other since they were 13 , playing and fooling around and would totally do stupid things together. They also tried to do stuff called 'make the old man angry' where they would do things that made reginald  upset

Thats a long time ago , before ben's death and now klaus continuously blaming himself , so he kept on taking drugs so that he wouldn't met ben so he wouldn't even talk to him.
After ben died,
Everything just wasn't the same anymore .. klaus and diego who once inseparable now act like strangers and it hurts klaus so much that even when he tried to make conversation diego would made excuse to just walk away from him

So now klaus stayed on his room taking more and more amount of drugs , just to nake him forget about this feelings . Make him forget about this stupid world ..

until they turned 17. Without news diego left the academy.. without letting klaus know why, klaus had been depressed his whole time. Wanting someone to talked to.

So he left the academy, nowhere to go and doesnt have a place to stay he hangs out with other drug addict where he can stay at their place .He would be lying if he doesn't feel hurt about this

17 years later

Klaus always thinks about the incident,
Diego acting like that feels like he was also blaming klaus for ben's death.. the more he thinks the more he felt hurt
So he takes a walk in the night feeling the cold breezy wind..
And he stopped near a Shop which installed a television in front of it
it was a news of reginald's death


klaus went to the academy house and went straight to his room, he knows that diego, luther , vanya and allison were in the living room but he just isn't willing to meet them, including deigo

-diego saw klaus coming through the door and just sat nothing as he was still upset about ben's situation, he knows that it was long time ago and now he was ready to forgive klaus for what had happened and it wasn't his fault that ben died

So diego goes to klaus's room , he stand infront of his door hesitating wether to get inside or not.. so  he holds his breath and knock the door
"Klaus, are you in there?" Diego said softly
And there's no response

"Hey, we need to talk" diego said and slowly opening the door
And he saw klaus all curled up near the wall
"Klaus"diego said making his way to klaus and sat next to him

"What do yo want" the words that klaus said were so vague and shows that he was hurting
"Are you going to blame me for dad's death too?" Klaus said nearly sobbed

"N-no what are you talking about" diego said started to get worried
"I just want to see if you're doing okay"

"like you even care about me , about my feelings. IM doing just fine so get out" klaus demand standing up and open the door widely

"H-hey you misunderstand things. Let me explain this to you" diego said

"What do you mean misunderstand, i can see it clearly that you're blaming me for ben's death, diego I've love you but I can already see where this is going" klaus sobbed, one of his hands wiping away the tears that he had been keeping for a very long tike

"Moving out without saying anything to me, not even a goodbye. What do you think i f-felt?" He sobbed even more "ignoring me, when i need  some comfort.. it really hurts di"

Klaus become weak and he cried, knees falls down to the floor and klaus quickly hugged both of his feet
Diego without waiting a minute he just go straight hugging klaus whispering "im sorry"
"Im so so sorry" while he kiss klaus's forehead
"I'll make it up to you okay" diego said and lift klaus head a bit and gave him a deep kiss ..

"Im not going to hurt you, so dont be scared to look at me in the eyes" diego said looking all worried at klaus "i care about you and ben and i-i dont know what to do but feel angry at dad.. but instead I've been so angry at you too"

"I didn't know why but i felt so upset , loss , insecure so i decided to not get to close to you so even if you're gone I wouldn't be sad.. and yes that's very stupid of me" diego said shushing klaus down

"Im sorry"

Klaus x diego (the umbrella academy)Where stories live. Discover now