Chapter 2 || The Old Song

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Stillness... The sound of ink trickled from within the walls, sounding like a drop of water dripping onto the ground below. Rays of light from the ceiling lights shone down onto the floor below, beckoning dust particles.

''Ugh, oh my head. What happened? '' Henry groaned. His left cheek smeared in ink from the pentagram painted onto the floor.

''Well, I guess there is only one thing to do: Press on. See if I can find a way out.'' Henry got onto his knees and forcefully pushed himself up with his palms.

The axe that Henry had used to destroy some wood pallets earlier before, was neatly leaning again what looked to be a casket. The pipes suddenly started to flow with ink, creaking under the weight of the passing ink. Henry looked towards to axe and picked it up in his grasp. The handle was coated in ink, Henry's hand instantly reacted to the ink, his palm soon being dotted in ink.

Henry took two swings at the two wooden boards blocking the entrance to a whole new inky universe. Henry's hand pressed on the door and it swung open with no opposition. Henry had now entered 'Utility Shaft 9'. It was dark like an abyss. A small Bendy cutout was sat on a wooden plank that acted as a shelf. Four candles were placed in different places along the shelf, some bacon soup cans along with other food and a banjo were also distributed along the small shelf. A sentence saying, ' He will set us free' was written on the wall with ink.

''How did this place get so big?'' Henry gasped with awe. What seemed to be a harmless workshop, now had become an inky battleground.

To Henry's right, there was another shelf with five candles, only three contained dancing flames. Another small Bendy cutout was balancing on the wooden plank and the wall. A cassette was to the left of the cutout. Without question, Henry played it, not knowing what was maybe install.

'He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my saviour. I pray you hear me.

Those old songs, I still sing them. I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace.

But, love requires sacrifice. Can I get an Amen?' The cassette stopped, a movement was heard by Henry a while away.

''I said... can I get an amen?'' A voice echoed down the hall. Henry turned to see no one, no trace of anything, or in this case, anyone.

Henry continued on his way, looking for a new exit. More pentagrams were found throughout the workshop, nothing but cutouts and those silly pentagrams. Henry came across a corridor, it was flooded in ink. Chairs were either pinned against the wall or they were slowly being consumed by the ink. A voice seemed to be coming from the opposite side, it soon became evident that someone was passing when Henry was struck with awe.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep. It's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed.
In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead." A figure paced quickly by the doorway holding a Bendy cutout.

Henry's curiosity had got the best of him... it was clear he was not alone in the studio at all.
"Hello! Excuse me? Can you help me? Hello?"
Henry ran after the figure, his axe swinging from left to right every stride.

It disappeared.

"Where the hell did he go?"

Henry was confused, where did the figure go? There was only a dead end, a Bendy cutout was slanting into the wall with a pentagram behind it and a few bacon soup cans on a shelf beside him. A switch was wedged just at the back of the bacon soup cans. And behind Henry, was a energy panel, shutters blocked off a new entrance.

Bendy and the Ink MachineWhere stories live. Discover now