Mermaids' Love Story Part 2

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As I was there, watching them whisper. The peasant merman would glance at me ever so quickly and regularly it made me think something bad was going to happen. A while later the guards grabbed me once more and untied my hands, they threw me at the peasant boy and I freaked out, I pushed him away and started to swim away but before I could the guards grabbed me by the tail and yanked me in. I was so afraid, so scared I just screamed and screamed until finally, they knocked me out with a coral cup that they pulled from the table.

The peasant merman watched in shock as they hit me upside the head with one of the coral cups they had. He rushed over and looked at the prince waiting for the order for him to take me down to his small room, where he, the peasant merman slept.

I soon woke up, and I looked around in a frantic panic as I soon sat up, a pulsating pain hit me, I laid back down to what seemed to be a seaweed bed, it was surprisingly comfy. I looked around, the room small and there was a small kitchen and what seemed to be a bathroom, as my gaze came more into focus on the 'bathroom' I saw two merpeople talking. I looked at the ceiling hating my life, and then I heard something drop. I closed my eyes and woke up. I saw my roommate pulling my head out of the bath, I started gagging and coughing as the water was being forced from my lungs. All I could see was my roommate crying and screaming for help.

Once I got settled in my new room, where I am alone. Late that night I stayed staring up at the ceiling for a few hours before I finally started to fall asleep. I turned over, my face in my pillow. I started to feel dizzy, and finally, everything went dark.

I woke up. the peasant boy with bright blue eyes were staring down at me, and as he opened his mouth, a soft whimper escaped his lips, saying " I-I won't hurt you... I promise. We need to go, I want you to be free... They have bad intentions here for you... So please come with us..."
I sat up, and nodded, not speaking, my throat felt dry - even though we're underwater.

A bigger Merman swam into the room, he had a guard mask on, and the guard's uniform. At first, I was so scared, I jumped from the bed and grabbed a hard object that was beside me I tried to hit him as he swam closer. He grabbed the object and removed his helmet, his dark sea foam green eyes stared at mine, calming me down, making me feel safe. It was weird that it was working but it did... I went to open my mouth to say I'm sorry but before I could he grabbed me by the arm and yanked mine with him, I followed, afraid of something was going to happen. We both followed the peasant as he showed us out the back way After a while, the peasant went back to his Kingdom but the guard continued to swim with me, dragging me along before I yanked my arm away and yelled at him, " I don't know who the heck you are! And apparently, it is okay for you to just kidnap me?!?!?!?! I've been dragged, touched, called awful things today and all I want to do is sleep! I don't want to move anymore..."

Suddenly on that note he picked me up and swam, with me in his arms, he never said a thing and I couldn't tell what his facial reactions were since he put on his helmet which made me even madder than before.

An hour or two later he gently set me down in the small cave that he found, he didn't say anything except this, " I hope with some rest you won't be such a pain." I rolled my eyes and ended up finding a small corner in the cave to sit in and rest. It was a cute little area, small little seaweed looking things hanging from the roof of the cave hid the area slightly and the giant gray stones that would hide the size of a small person behind them, and luckily for me I was small enough of a merlady.

The Gaurd would keep a close eye on the girl, he hated the fact the prince is trying to take the smallest and most beautiful of all of the merladies. He would growl softly so she couldn't hear him. A thought crossed his mind... He began pondering about getting to know her, and maybe even start to train her. He thought it would be a great idea since she was young, pretty, and vulnerable it would be a piece of cake to make her his little spy.

Later on, I thought it would be a smart idea to make something that would hide what I had shown since my body was basically bare after my tail up. I swam around and found small turquoise blue shells and some blueish seaweed. I placed the shells over my breast and tied them together.

The Mermaids' Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora