Chapter Two: Naruto returns!

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Naruto and Jiraiya have finally returned to Konoha after three long years of training. The energetic yellow-haired ninja, now clad in a black and orange jacket accompanied by long orange pants and sitting upon his forehead was a black headband, the strings trailed down to young ninja's shoulders. Naruto jumped on a tall pole and shouted "It's good to be back! Dattebayo!" It was at that moment in time he heard a very familiar voice say "Naruto? Is that you?" Naruto had turned around and saw that it was Sasuke's voice who had called out to him. He immediately jumped down from the pole, he landed in front of Sasuke. The raven-haired youth stood in awe as he stared at the now fully grown Naruto.

Sasuke's comments on Naruto's height and attire. "Wow. Naruto you've changed."
"Yeah, I have! Dattebayo!"
Naruto looked back at Sasuke, Naruto noticed that his friend was dressed in an ANBU uniform. He looked at Sasuke and said, "So... You're an ANBU black op?"
"Yeah, I am"

The silky black-haired youth pulled Naruto into an ally. He was telling himself he needed to confess his feelings to his beloved Naru-chan. So Sasuke gathered all his courage and said to Naruto "Naruto, I've been meaning to tell you something."

"What is it Sasuke?"

"I've been in love with you for a while now... well ever since you left the village with Jiraiya-sama. I understand if you don't feel the sam-"

Naruto cut Sasuke off mid-sentence and replied with "Ya know, Sasuke I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time now. And I... I love you too." The blonde haired boy began to blush a deep shade of red. He was amazed at his own words. Sasuke looked at Naruto with a bewildered expression. Sasuke thought to himself 'He actually admitted he likes me back! BEST DAY EVER!' He had finally gotten his Naru-chan. He couldn't be any happier.

*Three months later*

Sasuke and Naruto have been dating for some time now and they felt it was time they moved in together. Minato and Kushina took some time adapting to the changes, but in the end, they wholeheartedly allowed it. With the hard part over, Naruto finally moved into Sasuke's apartment. Within a week things began to get 'steamy.' Night had cast itself upon Konoha.

"S-Sasuke..." Naruto cried out in sheer ecstasy as Sasuke thrust into him. He felt himself shiver with delight. The young ninja stared at his lover's pale white skin and smiled. They embraced and indulged themselves in a long passionate kiss. In the seconds that followed Sasuke thrust into the blonde haired teen and released his seed into Naruto, the one and only love of his life. Sasuke pulled out of his blonde haired lover. They both collapsed on the bed and drifted off into a blissful sleep.

*At the Akatsuki hideout*

The elder Uchiha brother had just finished up with the final steps of his plan to steal his younger brother's beloved Naru-chan. Itachi shouted throughout the hideout "HAHAHAHA! I HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED MY MASTER PLAN!" Then Itachi's shark featured Akatsuki partner Hoshigaki Kisame walked in. Kisame stared at Itachi in a rather blank confused look he began to say "Itachi-san...nani...shite...runo?"

"W-well...I *ahem* I have found a way to capture the Kyuubi jinchūriki."

"You have? Well, don't keep it to yourself. Spill the goods."

"KISAME! I don't want him for the Kyuubi. I want him for his body."

"Hehe. You are quite the evil bastard. So what exactly is your plan to capture the brat?"

"I plan to put him under a temporary genjutsu with the Mangekyō Sharingan, bring him here to the hideout, chain him up in my chambers, and finally have revenge on my foolish little brother."

"Okay you have fun with that, I'm just gonna leave..."

*Back in Konoha*

The morning sunlight seeped through the open window. Sasuke and Naruto were getting ready to head out into town. They finished eating breakfast and headed out the door locking up their apartment. It was a nice sunny day with a few clouds, all in all, the village was rather peaceful. Sasuke looked at Naruto and had just about the biggest smile on his face he thought to himself 'I'm glad I decided to stay in the village.'  The young Uchiha don't seem to know about his older brother's twisted plot to steal the one thing that undoubtedly brought him joy into his lonely life.

Several hours after training, night had fallen and the two lovers made their way back to their apartment. Sasuke took out the keys and unlocked the door, Naruto immediately went inside and headed straight to the bathroom. He removed his clothes and began to turn on the shower. He relished in the feeling of the warm water hitting his skin, minutes later Naruto had finished his shower. Sasuke swiftly went in after Naruto had stepped out, a couple of moments after Sasuke had finished up he got dressed in his pajamas and strode over to their tiny bed he saw that his beloved little Naru-chan has managed to hog the entire bed. Then he smiled and went to the living room and set up a makeshift bed on the couch, he began to drift off into a peaceful sleep completely unaware of the impending danger that crept about in the shadows. 

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