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Long ago in the village of Konoha, there was a fox demon with nine tails. It attacked the village, With one lash of it tails it could cause tidal waves and destroy mountains. A band of ninja assembled to a take stand against the foul beast. One ninja stood at the helm, that ninja was known as the Fourth Hokage. It is said he nearly sacrificed his life in order to seal the nine-tails within a newborn baby, that baby was Uzumaki Naruto! 

(Thirteen years later) 

*Naruto running from jonin* 

the young boy had finished vandalizing the Hokage faces. At that moment the yellow-haired youth shouted "Give it up, losers you can never catch me. Dattebayo!" The jonin replied with "NARUTO! Wait 'til your father hears of this!" To which the young boy says "Like I care, dattebayo!" Moments later a jonin then alerts Minato. "Yondaime!" Minato sighs in utter defeat "Let me guess it's Naruto again. Isn't it?" The jonin states "I'm afraid so Yondaime." Minato then proclaimed "I will deal with Naruto. Flying Raijin Jutsu!" Minato then appears before Naruto looking extremely outraged at his son.



"To my office now!"

In the Hokage's office. At this time Minato is lecturing Naruto.

"Naruto. Why would you do that?"

"Because I just wanted to have a little fun."

"I want you to go outside and clean up every last drop of paint. In fact, I will be outside with you to make sure you are actually doing the work."

"But da-"

"No buts. We won't go home until all of the paint is gone."

"Okay" After hours of cleaning up the paint, Minato and Naruto were able to go home. As soon as they had reached their house, Minato opened the door and ushered Naruto to go inside. Kushina cheerfully exclaims "Welcome," That's until she sees that Naruto is covered head to toe with paint. And noticed that Minato's face was filled with anger. She asks Minato, "What happened?" To which Minato sighs in disapproval. "Naruto was caught vandalizing the Hokage faces." To which Kushina loudly said

"He did WHAAATTTT!" Naruto picked at his ear and said: "It was just a little prank."

"You are in big trouble, ttebane!"

Minato then chimes in and says "Naruto you're grounded for three weeks. No missions for and your squad. I have already informed Kakashi." And with that, the little boy begrudgingly stormed off to his room. Leaving his parents in the dining room, seating an eerie silence. Kushina quietly goes to Minato and says "Don't you think that was a little bit harsh? Even if it was just a prank."

"Kushina, if I go easy on him. He'll never learn from his mistakes."

"Okay, Minato."

"Thank you, for understanding."

(Three weeks later)

Sasuke sees Naruto in the village streets. He begins to walk towards Naruto. He then says "Oi, Dobe! What happened? Where were you? I haven't been able to on any missions in three weeks."
The usually cheerful boy responses by saying "I got in trouble for defacing the Great Hokage Faces."

"Wow! You really are an idiot. So, You wanna go get some ramen?"

Naruto's face began to sparkle.


*At Ichiraku's Ramen shop*

(Five minutes later) 

Naruto says in a delightful tone "Ahh, nothin' like Ichiraku's to cheer me up! Dattebayo!"
Sasuke says "Naruto. Do you wanna hang out at my place?"
"Sure, I don't have anything to do anyway." Sasuke grabs Naruto's hand and beings to run to his house.

*At Sasuke's house*

(Four hours later)

Naruto tells Sasuke he has to go home. Sasuke grabs Naruto by the waist and whispers into his ear "Stay a little bit longer" Sasuke unzipped Naruto's jacket and took off Naruto's shirt. In response to Sasuke's touch, Naruto shudders in pleasure.


  "Hehe... You look like you're enjoying this." 

"Haha...nhm!!! Sa-Sasuke..."

The raven-haired youth began to unzip Naruto's pants. He then continued to on to taking off Naruto's boxers. Sasuke began to lick Naruto's nipples.

"Wai- Sa-Sasuke! Hah... Mhmm...ahh!"

Sasuke's tongue slid down Naruto. Then Sasuke began to undress.

*Meanwhile, at the Akatsuki hideout*

One of the Akatsuki members began to hear of his younger brothers recent activities. That member's name is Uchiha Itachi! The older Uchiha brother began to put together a plan to steal the yellow-haired jinchūriki right from under his younger brothers nose. Itachi thought to himself  'If I take away the thing that is most precious to Sasuke, I just might be able to get to his head. Yes, it just might work, but it will take at least three years to actually put it into motion.'

*Two months later in the Hokages office*

Minato calls Naruto into his office. The young jinchūriki timidly enters his father's office. Naruto walks up to his father's desk. He sees a long white spikey haired individual who seemed to be in his fifties. Minato then cleared his throat and began to explain to Naruto who this mysterious man that seemed to be familiar with his father. Minato then said to Naruto "Naruto. You have probably noticed by now that you don't know who this man is, well I will tell you this is Jiraiya Sen- I mean master Jiraiya. He is one of the Legendary Sannin."

It was at that moment that the white-haired man named Jiraiya spoke. "So, you're Minato's son. Naruto? So, kid you ready to start training with the one and only Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku! The one and only JIRAIYA!"

Naruto stood there with a blank look on his face and turned to his father and asked: "What is he talking about dad?" Minato told Naruto that he will be training with Jiraiya for the next three years. At this point, Naruto has already mastered the Rasengan. In which Minato personally taught to his beloved son, Naruto. And with that, our story begins.

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