chapter 1 seeing him again

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A long time ago in the Galaxies I was a rouge Autobot and I was going from planet to planet helping Autobots fight decepticons and helping them repair space bridges .
it was a good job to have I got to help others out there in the universe that needed me. and my father always said those who cant help themselves help them my adopted father said that.
but that's a story for another time right now I bet you're wondering who I am well my name is causeway .and I'm a rogue Autobot I travel the universe to help others out there that need me and whenever I visit different planets.

I always explored all they're different culture's and always look to see if there's any kind of energon out there. but mostly I always go to the space bridges mainly to help the autobots and their repairs and I have medical experience so I can help the injured whenever it's severe.

but the reason I always go to space Bridges to help repair them and help repair Autobot ships. and different alien ships  is because of this one Mech i met back in training camp his name was Optimus he was a really good friend of mine.

Past memory

I remember we would always go into the city talk and just hang out with each other I even remember having a little crush on him but I'd never knew if he felt the same for me anyway. I actually was training to be in the elite guard to help the bots on Cybertron but my mind went elsewhere always thinking about Optimus and I always like how we were assigned to fight each other during training. and how we would always work well together and how we always got along.

over time in training camp he became my best friend and most trusted Ally. until one day my father ultra Magnus came and told me what happened he told me that they lost elita one on an organic planet and it was all Optimus is fault and sentinel try to go back for her but Optimus stopped him. I was mad at sentinel I knew it was his fault he was always the loose Cannon of the group at training camp. he would always try to convince others to go on different planets that nobody else discovered or the were known but nobody but the elite gaurd were all forbidden to go there. I hated sentinel we were never friends I was so upset at sentinal.

I tried to go to Optimus and help him and be there for him but my father stopped me. he told me that he was going to be sent to a space Bridgeport to keep an eye on the maintenance of space Bridges with fellow Auto bots. and told me that I would be training with sentinel from now on.
I told him no I told him that I'm leaving training camp and I'm going out into space to help others and I was going to be a rogue Autobot even if he did not like it I told him that this was my choice and I'm a full-grown femme.

I can take care of myself I could tell he wants to deny it but he allowed it cause he didn't want to upset me any further. he gave me his Blessing but told me to pack all the gear I needed for my travels cuz I don't know how long i was going to be gone from Cybertron. but I packed what I needed I said goodbye to my father and he gave me a kiss on the head before saying his farewells. I say goodbye to the friends I knew I said goodbye to my father and I left Cybertron to see what the universe had out there for me.

Back to the present

While I was on my ship I started to run diagnostics and to make sure everything was running properly until something hit my ship causing it to shake violently. I looked over the cameras to see what was attacking me "scrap" I said I look at the cameras I saw that it was decepticons that are attacking my ship there are five of them and I was outnumbered. but lucky for me I had cyber ninja training from my mother before she passed away.

so I got all my weapons and prepare myself for the attack I managed to knock out four guys but there was a fifth one. I knew I could take him down but as I was about to attack him there was an explosion in the ship the main engine failed and now we were plummeting towards an unfamiliar planet. as I was about to attack the other decepticon he was gone along with the other four I went to the main engine room to see if I can fix it but no there was a bomb planted there and I was plummeting fast I didn't know what to do so I had a back-up plan for this if I ever got into trouble like this I went to a room where there were stasis pods I got into one and went into stasis.

5 hours later

"Do you think she's still alive" I heard one voice say "I don't know little buddy what do you think prowl? I heard another say " I'm no doctor but she seems fine but I will check for a spark beat" I heard another voice say "she's alive but when ratchet and the others get back will have another look at her to see if she's healthy " the one I think called prowl said as they were still talking I opened my eyes slowly and was faced with three mechs and I sat up quickly blasters ready.

"who are you what's going on where am I are you 3 decepticons ?" I asked quickly "woah easy there were not decepticons we're autobots and your on Earth my name's bulkhead that's prowl and this is my best friend bumblebee" bulkhead said " pleasure making your aqaintence " prowl said "what's your name " bumblebee asked "my name's causeway it's nice to meet you all and what is this place it looks weird and very old " I asked "it's our base of operations it's were we work and relax after protecting the organic life forms of this planet" prowl explained bumblebee was about to ask something when we herd engines come inside the building and look and see a fire truck and an ambulance and a little organic creature come out of the fire truck and then out of nowhere both vehicles transform into two autobots but one bot put me shock because it's the mech I haven't seen in so long it was optimus.

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