Chapter 2

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When Lea came to, he almost wished he hadn't, he felt no better now awake then when he had been before he passed out. His entire body ached, every muscle burned even with the slightest movement. From the tips of his fingers all the way down to his toes. He groaned out loud, wanting to just curl up and let the darkness claim him again, anything was better then feeling like this. But when he tried to do just that he found that something was grasping down on his hands. Curious, he opened his eyes and a huff of laughter escape his lips at the sight before him. Xion on his left and Roxas to his right, both had a hold of his hands gently in their own.

These kids... He thought, fondly.

He didn't deserve them. After all he'd done, all the wrongs Lea made, he honestly didn't. He just hoped they never realized that too and decide to leave.

Overcome with sudden emotion from that single thought he squeezed their hands in his and inhaled a deep breathe. Breathe, Lea... He told himself. Don't think about it, Don't start crying again.

But the tears still formed there, welled up, but did not fall. Gently, he slide his hands from theirs, wanting to wipe them away before anyone saw except the moment his hands were free, both his friends awoke with a jolt, sitting straight up, Xion let out a cry while Roxas let out a small scared, "No!" Before the pair of them reached forward and tried to grasp his hands again.

Lea held up his hands in a defense. "Whoa, easy there! It's just me."

Xion and Roxas looked at each other and then back at Lea. "Axel?" They said as if they couldn't determine if he was really there or not.

"Heya munchkins." He said with a smile, giving them a little wave, cringing slightly when his arm protested at the action.

Still they stood there, staring at him. Lea blinked at them, confused. "Uh, guys? You gonna stand there staring at me or what?" Usually by now, this would be a moment where hugs would ensue.

Both of them shifted their feet, like they wanted to come closer but didn't. "Vexen said to stay away, that if we... came near you we could cause you more..." Xion paused then and looked down at Lea's body.

"Discomfort." Roxas finished, his eyes mimicking Xion's.

Lea looked at them, smiled and let out a soft laugh. Slowly, he raised his arms in invitation. "Well I don't see him anywhere now, right?"

That seemed to be just the right push for them. Within seconds, tears pooled within their eyes and rolled down their cheeks, they rushed forward and scampered up onto the bed and into his arms.

"Axel!" They cried out as they buried their faces into his shoulders, his body ached once more. But he ignored it, right now these two needed a bit of comfort. And Lea was more then happy to give it even if his body was still exhausted.

"What happened?" Roxas asked, his fingers digging into Lea's clothes.

"We were so scared! Are you okay?" Xion whimpered, her voice muffled pressed against his shoulder.

"What happened?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but found that he didn't have an answer to give. "I... I don't know."

Roxas looked at him, suspiciously, like he didn't believe him. There was a reason for that Lea knew, of course Roxas didn't believe him right away, after how many times he lied to them as Axel. "It's true, I don't. One minute I was fine. And the next..." He trailed off, his eyes looking at his hands. "Everything hurt."

"We... We've never seen you like that before. We didn't know what to do." Roxas' voice dropped to a whisper and Lea actually had to strain his ears enough to actually hear it.

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