01. Ginny's Idea.

Start from the beginning

Ginny smiled at her friend, she couldn't be happier at the choice of her friend, just knowing that Hermione cared enough to actually listen to her in the middle of the halls past curfew, made her heart warm. "Yes, as I was saying, I have a brilliant idea of getting Harry to finally notice me,” she squealed just when Hermione sushed her down.

"Are you crazy?!” She glanced around to make sure no one had caught them. Once satisfied, she sighed in relief.

"Don't you want to hear my thoughts on the plan?" Ginny poked Hermione to catch her attention, in response, the other girl only rolled her eyes.

"Like you would give me a choice, talk," she instructed.

Ginny happily continued, she was dying to tell her by now. "Okay so, I've decided to come up with a Kiss Cam for our Quidditch matches." she waited for Hermione to react to her words but nothing came, if you don't count the confused expression on her face. Ginny took the liberty to continue, "Look, you know how Kiss Cams work in the Muggle world, right?"

It was as if realisation hit Hermione like a bag of bricks, her chocolate eyes went wide and her mouth formed a perfect O. "How do you—"

"There are Muggle movies alright, it's no big deal. I've been watching a few for a while now. Must say, really good," she giggled. "Anyways, as I was saying, tomorrow, it's Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, and of course, we'll all go just like we usually do and that's where you'll come in, you're going to make our seats align in such a way that me and Harry get to sit together and also, away from you lot, for privacy reasons of course, and then the Kiss Cam will zoom in on us, and bam! We're going to be kissing!"

Hermione let Ginny's words sink in, not only did it sound extremely obnoxious but also had several loopholes. She was also offended a bit when Ginny said away fromour lot, but she didn't let it show. This was all about Ginny, she had to remind herself.

"How will you get McGonagall to agree on this?" Hermione quirked an eyebrow at Ginny whose smile didn't seem to flatter which for some reason, made hermione annoyed.

"Already worked on that, she thinks it's a nice idea," when Hermione narrowed her eyes at her, she huffed in annoyance. "Fine, I may or may not have left out on the kissing part! But it's okay! She won't do anything too harsh, I mean—"

"Ginny, this is McGonagall we're talking about. She will have your head on a stick." Hermione deadpaned.

"So what? She'll stop the kiss cam from happening in next games but this time she doesn't know and it's my only chance to get Harry to notice me, it would be perfect, please 'Mione, pretty please." Ginny made huge puppy eyes and in that moment, Hermione was a goner.

"Okay fine, I'll help you because you're my friend and I love you Gin, even though I think this plan is stupid, I willhelp you," Hermione let a small smile form on her lips, her heart fluttered at Ginny who was willing to take such drastic steps for her love, and here she was.

"Oh my God! Thank you so mu—" but Ginny never got to finish the sentence because an intended cough had brought them out of their little happy bubble moments ago.

Stunned, both girls looked up from their crouched position to see a familiar pale blond smirking down at them in amusement. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Weaslette and the bloody head girl? Out in the halls after curfew? Interesting, very interesting," Draco couldn't stop himself from sneering, just the petty sight of Gryffindors sent him into overdrive, especially seeing bloody Granger.

Hermione couldn't believe their bad luck, out of everyone they could've been found by, all the bloody prefects, and they were spotted by Malfoy, such a shame.

Hermione and Ginny hauled themselves up. Sometimes, she forgot that he was head boy. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Ginny said through gritted teeth but he paid her no mind, instead, he turned his silvery gray gaze to his fellow head girl.

"Do you have any idea how badly this could effect your reputation, head girl?" he taunted her, flicking the head girl badge on her robes. "I wonder what would McGonagall say about her favorite student breaking the school rules, hmm." Draco continued annoyingly, he was testing Hermione and she sure as hell knew that.

She wouldn't break in front of him, him of all people.

"Piss off, Malfoy," she sneered in response and grabbed Ginny's arm, already dragging her back to the common room but before she could step inside, she heard a familiar sound that sent chills down her spine.

"30 points from Gryffindor, Granger," and that was when she cursed the system that gave head boy and girl to take and give points to students.

As if it could not be any worse, she heard him say, "Each."

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