chapter 3

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At Ari's house

Julie's p.o.v

i texted tris and told him i was spending the night at ari's.I went upstairs and changed into my pj's and told Ariana everything. "AWWWWWW, MY SISTER'S GROWING UP." she said while jumping up and down."shut up....anyways lets go to sleep." I said laughing. "k im going to get a glass of water." i got up and got in the bed when i had remembered i hadn't told her about the date tomorrow, she came back and she sat down and drank a sip of water "OH WAIT I DIDN'T TELL YOU, HE IS TAKING ME OUT ON A DATE TOMORROW!" i shouted and Ariana chocking on her water "OMG" she jumped up and down in excitement.

the next day

I woke up and right away i looked at my phone and looked at the time; 8:00 a.m, i got up and got dressed and Ariana stopped me from leaving; "where are you going? i am supposed to give you a makeover." she said holding her arms out to stop me from leaving, "i know just come over to my house and we'll do it there."

we reached my house and Ariana dragged me to my room and waited for me to finish my shower and then she started putting her makeup skills into action and she knew exactly what James liked; not much makeup and in this case i didnt really feel like putting any on but whatever. she finished my makeup and opened my closet and tossed a dozen outfits on my bed and one by one gave me them to try on, as i was trying a cute little red dress on i got a text from James;

Jemsyy <3: hey beautiful ;)

Julie: morning handsome <3

Jemsyy <3: so where do you wanna go on our date today, i was thinking the beach and a picnic at the park.

Julie: the beach and a picnic sounds great.

Jemsyy <3: i'll pick you up in 5 ok?

Julie: perfect  xxx

Jemsy <3: xxx

I ran downstairs and said goodbye to Ari and went to the living room, 5 minutes later there was a ring at the door and i rushed to open it i saw Tris and James outside i walked up to James and gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged Tris goodbye before James and I left.

James' p.o.v

we were sat in my car driving to the beach and i looked at her wrist she had a scar from last night i slipped my hand onto hers and held her hand she looked up at me and i smiled so did she.

"if i may ask, how long have you liked me?" she asked

"quite a while now" i answered


"ever since i met you." i confessed

she let out a little laugh

"so did I" she said

i laughed and told her how we really need to be more confident when these things happen because we met 2 years ago and none of us have said or done anything about that.

a few minutes we had reached the beach, I got out of the car and rushed to the other side to open the door for Julie

"merci, monsieur James" she said with an adorable french accent

"vous etes le bienvenu mademoiselle Julie" i said as i kissed her hand like a true gentlemen

Julie's p.o.v

god his french accent makes him even cuter im literally head over heels for this boy.

"shall we" James said while holding out his elbow

"yes we shall" i put my arm through his and we walked along the shore of the beach

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