Chapter 4: Happy Birthday to me..

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"More reports have been spread about the new rumour which theorists are now calling the 'Todoroki Theory', We have asked the number 1 hero; Endeavour for a comment and he hasn't replied yet-"


"The Todoroki Theory has been leading more people to be-"


"Officials are saying that the Todoroki Theory actually has a 65% of being tr-"





He kept flicking channels to watch anything but the channels only talked about him, he only knew one reason for why this was happening

His birthday was today...

He didn't like his birthday, it was disgusted him like lots of things, he associated it more with Touya instead of who he was today, like a death day for Touya and a birth for Dabi seeing as he left the day of his 18th birthday anyways.

His ruff hands slammed the remote into the TV screen, cracking it and making it go into static with the insanely bad sound that came out of it, he held his ears and groaned as the high frequency continued and buzzed in his ears.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" He screamed, blue flames went flying towards the TV as it combusted into nothing but ash, the room quickly filled with smoke which left Dabi coughing his lungs up his throat.

He ran and opened the windows to his apartment and let the black smoke leave the apartment, he sighed in relief and sat back down on the sofa with another sigh, he was getting real tired of this day and just wanted to go back to sleep or at least punch Endeavour in the face, that's what he only wanted.

A knock in the door was heard through the whole apartment and Dabi got off the sofa and went to answer it, he rubbed his tired eyes and opened the door to see the landlord with a worried look on her face. Dabi blinked for a moment at her before sadly smiling, "Hello Kichi, what do I owe to be in the presence of an amazing sweet woman"

"Don't flatter me sweetheart, I saw some terrible black smoke coming from your windows and I just wanted to ask what was wrong" Kichi, the landlord said in a worried old tone. Dabi thought up an excuse to make up to her before having an idea, "Oh that? I tried making a birthday cake for myself but I took an nap and completely forgot about it until the smoke appeared, I threw that horrible excuse for a cake in the bin and just thought of ordering one but thanks for asking Kichi" He said growing a fake grin on his face.

Kichi smiled back at him, "Ah, I see! Just be careful not to set the fire alarms off, I'll have to go now but for now..." She stepped away from the door a bit and waved at Dabi "Happy Birthday Touya, I'll bring you a cake soon, take care!" She left down the hall and down the stairs.

Dabi stared at the ground where Kichi used to be and sighed, "Now I regret telling that old lady my name..." He slammed the door shut and sled down the door and onto the floor, his eyes stinging from the tears forming in his eyes.

"Why couldn't I just have a powerful quirk? Then maybe all of this would never happen...I wouldn't have to protect Shoto so he wouldn't train..heh maybe I could even get my handsome face back...the face my family knows and loves..." His voice cracked as he spoke mumbled to himself, his tired eyes starting to run with tears and his sobs being more clear to his apartment, he grit his teeth and cried more.

Touya Todoroki |Boku no hero Academia fanfic| Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant