The encounter

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Your PoV

I'm a 16 year old male who enjoys a good superhero movie, I have (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. I have a younger brother (b/n) and my older sister (s/n), making me the middle child. In this universe I recently moved to New York from (country) and am sharing a form with two awesome friends Peter Parker and Ned Leeds

May: "Dinner!"

Me and Peter run down for food. We are greeted by the smell of pizza and the sound of the news

News: "today ............(normal news stuff) Natasha Romanoff known as the black widow has revealed all of shields secrets"

Peter: "the avengers are awesome"

"Yeah... they are"

Timeskip to school brought to you by chibi (y/n) playing the Spider-Man PS4 game

The school bell rings signalling the end of school so everyone ran out to get home as quick as possible

I wasn't in a rush so I stopped in a shop for a drink

Store guy: "(f/d)(favourite drink) is one dollar"

I give him the money then head home

Timeskip to the next day

Science teacher: "today we are going on a field trip to a science lab"

Class: "*unenthusiastic* yay.."

Science teacher: "yeah I'd hate to have career choices and not have wasted your life"

I look over to Peter Parker, one of my new best friends, who looks back at me in confusion

Peter Parker sits next to me in science and along with his dorm mate Ned, we are the best trio of friends

(Btw, It's the Homecoming Peter)

We arrive at the lab and our guide takes us through a room for viewing tests on different ways to cure diseases, then we are taken to see different bugs, insects and so on

But what we didn't see was a loose spider (not a regular one) had crawled its way up and out of the door when someone walked out of the room and it climbed onto my hood of my hoodie

We get taken to an energy testing facility

Scientist: "we believe we can create an infinite energy source here only using electricity"

All it did was fry the circuit and fail

Ned: "*to me and peter* well that was disappointing"

We nod in agreement then I felt something on the back of my neck so I scratched it off. I look at my hand to see a crushed spider so I drop it and act natural

"Lovely weather huh?"

Peter: "what?"

"It's nice and pleasant outside on this fine day"

Ned: "ok what did you do?"

".....nothing........ I just ...wanted to make a joke?"

Both: ".....sure"

Timeskip brought to you by chibi boring bits of a field trip

So basically there was multiple energy failures and my neck is itchy, you probably want to know why..... so do I

(Spoiler it's that the scientists got something wrong and your tag in the back of your t-shirt is rubbing your neck)

On my way home I experienced some weird stuff, like the lights on signs flickered and the wind changed direction to be following the way I was going

I fall asleep

I dream, not a normal dream though

In the dream

???: "my name is ziran"

"Yeah I know I'm the reader, in the natural through the multiverse story I name you, and since all the stories made by this author is connected in the reader's teraverse"

(A/n): "sorry I'll get the right bit"



Ziran: "I choose you to be the next Dragon Natural"


Ziran: "you will be faced with different tasks.... na Jk it's just some powers you already had that was asleep because plot reasons and in this universe your not a superhero yet"

"...I have powers?"

Ziran: "Yep, here ya go, you now have full control of them, just be careful, oh and a demon who chose another person like I chose you might wanna kill you or awaken his power in you because your an interesting one"

With that I wake up

'I'm a superhero? Ok cool'

I sit up and noticed I had moved since I fell asleep. I get up and dressed for school and I noticed that my pants shrank I own a size bigger in case I grow out of one so I change into that pair.


When I get to school I noticed my thoughts seemed louder than normal

Blah blah blah, school stuff

Now it's lunch and principal is talking to me

Principal: "(l/n) I know you snuck out last night "
(The school you Peter and Ned go to is like the one from the spider verse movie but with the homecoming characters)

'Act dumb'
"Who's (l/n)"
'Not that dumb'

I ran down the hall and hide in a room. I sigh then look round the room and noticed that I'm in the principals office

I try to walk forward but my hand is stuck to the door. I place my feet on the door so I could get my hand unstuck, once my hand is free my feet are now stuck so I wobble about then walk up and down the wall flailing around trying to get free.

Till I accidentally fall out the open window

"Keep sticking!!"

I waddle up the side of the building and am confronted by the figure from the dream

Ziran: "well I need to help you with one little thing"

My hands glow for a moment


Ziran: "I awoken your energy powers it's up to you to unlock the rest, good luck and just relax with the wall crawl, or waddle"

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