Turning back time

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 "That's how you've been going around and taking your lessons." Draco exclaimed. "Yeah, had to ask McGonagall for it. Gone through a whole summer of paperwork to get one." Harry and Hermoine appeared beside us and I looked at the clock. "7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" I asked no one in particular. "I think we were going to Hagrid's." Hermoine answered. I grabbed Draco's arm and Hermoine took Harry's. We sprinted out the Hospital Wing, on our way to Hagrid's. 

We ran over the bridge and stopped at the end, looking down at the scene. The 7 of us were standing in front of the runes, and Pansy was taunting us. "Can someone please tell me what is going on." Harry asked. I pushed Harry back and took out my Time Turner again. "Harry, this is a Time Turner. McGonagall gave Hermoine and I one first term. That's how we've been going to our classes all year. We've gone back in time and Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment." I turned back to the scene that was playing down by the runes. "Clearly, he wants us to change something."

 Past me punched Pansy in the face and she ran off with her two friends. We quickly jumped out the window frame on the side of the exit. "I will get that filthy half-breed. Mark my words." I heard Pansy say. Draco wanted to go to her, but I stopped him by grabbing his shirt. "We can't be seen." I whispered.

 We watched our past selves leave and we slowly followed. We looked down at our past selves. They walked past Buckbeak towards the front door from Hagrids hut. "Of course! Do you remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed maybe more than one innocent life will be spared."

 I pushed past the others towards the forest side. We hid ourselves behind the stack of pumpkins and looked inside the hut. Everyone was there and I was outside together with Buckbeak. I heard  voices in the distance and looked towards the path. Not so far away were Dumbledore, Fudge and the Executioner. I looked back into the hut and saw that Ron got Peter/Scabbers back. I wanted to go to the hut, but got stopped by Hermoine. "(Y/N), remember. We can't be seen!" Hermoine remembered me. "That's the man that betrayed mine and Harry's parents, but you're right." I sighted.

 The voices from Dumbledore and Fudge grew closer and our past selves weren't leaving. I saw a small rock on the ground and got an idea. I picked it up and threw it inside. The rock broke a vase and it seemed to draw their attention. I grabbed another rock and threw it and it hit the back of Harry's head. The past us came out of the back door and the past me ran away from Buckbeak.

 I got up and urged the others to get into the forest. I peeked from behind my tree and saw the past us behind the pumpkin patch. I twig snapped and I hid myself behind my tree again. "What?" I heard the past Harry ask. "I just thought I saw....Never mind." Past Hermoine mumbles. 

I let go of my breath, relieved that she didn't saw us. Our past selves left and we quickly went behind the pumpkins again. I walked around the pumpkins and silently walked up to Buckbeak. The raven that were circling around Buckbeak clearly didn't want me to take him away, because they were pecking my ankles. 

I bowed and Buckbeak bowed back. I unchained him and tried to pull him with me, but he wouldn't budge. I heard the door open and Fudge was about to come out off the hut when Dumbledore stopped him. I looked back at Buckbeak and spoke in his language.

"Buckbeak, do you remember what I told you? That I could save you?"

"Yes I do."

"Well, come with me then. Unless you want to die."

"Take the ferrets with you."

I looked back at the others and mouthed that they needed to take the ferrets with them.  Hermoine ran to the stand with dead ferrets on them and grabbed some. I pulled Buckbeak's chain again and this time, he walked with me. 

Snake hair: Hidden freedom (Draco x F!Reader) (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang