Vol. 5

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After the whole wing fiasco with Patton, Roman fell asleep next to Virgil.

Then Logan came home.

~~Present day~~

Logan opened the door to his house. It was unusually quiet.

"Patton?" Logan called, walking further in.

Patton came out of the kitchen, drying a mug.

"Hey Lo," he smiled, "Ro and Virge are sleeping right now."

Logan nodded in understanding, walking over to kiss his husband, "Did they have a rough day at school?"

Patton bit his lip and nodded, "Virgil had a panic attack and Roman accidentally burnt him."

"Oh dear." Logan sighed, "how are they?"

"Emile had to put sleep on Virge." Patton said, "and Roman... He has something he needs to tell, er... show you..."

Logan furrowed his brow, "is something wrong? Did Roman get hurt!?"

"No no! Nothing like that!" Patton said quickly.

"Dad?" Roman groaned from the couch.

Patton walked into the living room, Logan following behind him. Roman was sitting up, rubbing his eyes and stretching his wings.

"Hey kiddo." Patton said, giving the boy a quick kiss on the forhead.

"Good afternoon Roman." Logan smiled, "Patton said you had something to tell me, but I assume it was your wings?"

Roman froze and nodded, "y-yeah, but also I-I um, please don't freak out?"

"Okay, I promise." Logan said.

Roman glanced at the ceiling, then grabbed Patton and Logan's hands and dragged them outside.

"Ro? Are you okay?" Patton asked.

Roman nodded, "Yeah, but the living room was too small..."

"To small for what?" Logan asked.

Roman closed his eyes and slowly shifted into a tall, white and red dragon.

"Roman..." Patton said looking up at the dragon with wide eyes, "You look amazing!"

Roman shuffled his feet, looking to the side.

"Incredible." Logan said with a small smile, "can you talk in this form?"

Roman shook his head.

Patton smiled and placed a hand on Roman's talon, "why don't you switch back so you can tell us more?"

Roman nodded and closed his eyes again, shifting back into human form. He stumbled forward a little into Patton's arms.

Roman nodded, "yeah, its just shifting like that tires me out a lot."

"Okay kiddo," Patton said, smoothing down Roman's hair, "why don't we go inside then."

Roman nodded.

"Roman?" Logan asked, "You seem exceptionally tired, would you like to rest and talk tomorrow?"

Roman nodded, "do you hate me now?"

Logan shook his head, walking towards Roman and pulling him into a hug, "No, of course not."

"Promise?" Roman asked burying his face in Logan's shoulder.

Logan smiled down at the boy, "I promise."

Roman's shoulders started to shake with tears.

"Hey now, I'm sure you've already cried enough for today." Logan said, running his fingers through Roman's hair.

Roman let out a small laugh, "yeah."

"Alright you two, it's getting late," Patton said, "let's go inside and I'll order pizza."

"W-with garlic knots?" Roman asked, looking up a little.

Patton giggled, "yep."

Roman smiled and closed his eyes. Logan picked him up bridal-style, folding the boys red and white wings under him. Patton giggled.

"Lo, are you using your telekinesis to hold him?" Patton asked.

Logan blushed bright red, "w-well, maybe a little."

Patton giggled, snorting here and there. Logan cast a loving glance at his husband, then at Roman in his arms.

Patton and Logan had always wanted to adopt, especially Patton, but they always felt it was too dangerous. Then two years ago, Virgil was dropped into their life. He was scared of everything, even talking. One night, Logan caught him outside staring at the stars. That was the moment Virgil opened up to them. He got less scared and learned sign language to communicate.

Logan sighed and layed Roman down on the couch next to Virgil. Romans wings fell over him and his brother like a blanket.

"Pizza's on its way." Patton said, hugging Logan from behind.

"The boys are asleep." Logan said quietly, turning around to kiss his husband.

Patton smiled, "we'll wake them when the pizza comes."

Logan nodded and started swaying Patton. Then their record player started up.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you." The record sang as the couple swayed in place, "shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you.

"As the river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are ment to be.

"Take my hand. Take my whole life too. Cause I can't help falling in love with you.

"No I can't help falling in love with you."

"I love you Logie." Patton said, resting his head on Logan's chest.

"I love you too, Pattoncake." Logan smiled and placed his chin on top of Patton's head.

The two stayed like that for a long while after the song ended. Then there was a knock at the door.

"You wake the kiddos, I'll get the pizza?" Patton asked.

Logan nodded and walked over to the two sleeping boys.

"Roman?" Logan shook his shoulder, "the pizza's here."

Roman made a small whining sound and pulled Virgil closer with one wing. Then he started shaking.

"Roman? Roman!" Logan yelled.

Suddenly, Virgil's arms wrapped around Roman's waist. Virge started rubbing the space between his wings and Roman stopped shaking.

"Virgil? Are you awake?" Logan asked.

The emo nodded.

Logan smiled, "okay, there's pizza if you want any, I know you had a rough day."

Virgil nodded again. Roman groaned and sat up.

"Hey Roman, the pizza's here." Logan informed the half asleep boy.

"Hmm? Okay." Roman said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Logan chuckled and left the boys to wake up. One bad day didn't mean trouble, the boys will be fine tomorrow.

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