Dark slowly nodded. "Did I die?"

Wilford swallowed hard. "I think you may have. Does that mean something?" He looked at Dark, tilting his head. "Perhaps I should ask Celine." Dark's aura flickered, a tinge more red jumping out, and Anti backed up a little, stepping closer to the Jims. "She was into a lot of that non-sense, I'm sure she knows what dreams mean..."

"You can ask her another time, perhaps." Dark grunted. "For now, you should go back to bed. Are you not tired?"

At the mention, Wilford yawned. "I am... I am a fair bit knackered." He nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked down at his gun, staring intently for a moment, then chuckled slightly, looking up at Dark. "Maybe I do need a nap."

"I think that would be good." Dark nodded, turning away.

"Good night Dark." Wilford smiled, laying down.

Dark grunted, glancing over his shoulder at the man and then sighed, heading for the door. "Jims? Downstairs."

Anti followed him into the hall quickly. "What the fuck was that?" He hissed. "Who the hell is Damien? Or Celine? And did you call him William? And why did-"

Dark turned, clamping a hand over Anti's mouth to shut him up. "None of your concern." He growled, letting go just before Anti could bite him.

"Don't fucking touch me." Anti snarled, sighing as Dark started to walk again. "I'm so confused!" He whined, chasing after the man.

The Jims had watched Wilford a moment before sleepily stumbling into the hall and followed after the others. Hearing a smash, Dark stopped and looked back to see Camera Jim, wide eyed as they both stared down at his camera on the ground. "I am sure you have broken cameras before." Dark stated.

Camera Jim looked up, his eyes starting to water, and slowly shook his head. Dark groaned, pushing Anti to the side and walked back down the hall, scooping up the damaged equipment. "Does it still run?" He asked, holding it out to Jim.

Taking the device, Camera Jim fiddled with it a moment, smiling as it turned on, then frowned as it turned off again. "No." He sighed.

"Rest in pieces, Jimy shooty." Reporter Jim sighed, patting the camera.

"We will have Mark buy you another one when all of this is over." Dark promised, taking the camera away from him again as Camera Jim desperately reached for it. "Come now. You can rest on the couch downstairs."

"Why are you moving them now?" Anti grunted. "Wilford's been waving that gun around since day one! That bastard stabbed me!"

Dark turned to glare at him, thrusting the broken camera into Anti's hands before he turned back, grabbed the Jims each by an arm to lead them downstairs. "I know Wilford, and what he will do... and I know William and what he is capable of... but he seems to be flipping back and forth more rapidly than I have ever seen. A confused Wilford, is a very dangerous Wilford. Do you understand?"

"No." Anti sighed. "Who's William?"

"It does not matter. Wilford is confused, and dangerous." Dark muttered. "Just leave him alone."

Anti rolled his eyes. "So you're taking care of him them?"

"Yes." Dark sighed. "I will take care of him." As they reached the sick ward, Dark settled the Jims on the couch.

"My Jim shooty." Camera Jim whined, reaching for the broken device in Anti's hands.

The glitch smirked, holding it out as if he was going to give it back, before easily tossing it across the room. Both Jims gasping, looking over to where it had hit against the wall. Dark's aura flared around him as he turned to Anti, glaring at him. "Get out." He growled, his voice even lower than normal, and the echo frantically layered.

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