Hooked on a Feeling (OhmWrecker x Reader)(IRL Hide & Seek)

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***Prewarning this story may make Ohm seem like his taken 40 bottles of happy pills or smoking pot either way enjoy***

You had been sitting staring at your computer completely bored waiting for something to do. Honestly you thought doing youtube videos would keep you busy but alas you were on top of your work. You considered jumping into your virtual reality room and recording a few videos in it but in reality you were way to lazy. You leaned backwards in your chair yawning. You closed your eyes and thought you might doze off when your computer began to sing. You groaned and opened your eyes. Your computer was telling you a large group of people were trying to call you. You groaned again and answered the call.

"Yes?" You asked leaning back in your chair again

"Hay _______ wanna play Hide and Seek with us?" Ohm's spoke up "Apparently it's working in The Virtrix"

"I guess I can join who else is here?" You asked

"Well it's myself, Daithi, Jack, Lui and Delirious" Ohm said

"Ah my 2 favorite Irish men" You smirked

"Come on let's play" Daithi whined

"Okay okay talk to you guys inside" You rolled your eyes

You ended the call and walked into The Virtrix. The Virtrix was basically a box that you walked into that was completely empty minus a shelf that held a headset and a smart phone type of thing. You place the ear piece on and went through your games list and found Hide & Seek. Once you were in you looked for your friends lobby assuming one of them had set up a private lobby. The box would remain empty until you joined a lobby. You found Ohm's named a sent a request to join the lobby. He soon accepted and the box lit up around you. The lobby built it's self around you. You smiled and ran at Daithi who was busy looking at the map list. You jumped onto his back. He faltered slightly but managed to stay upright.

"Hello my little monkey" Daithi chuckled

"Hello my wonderful tree" You giggled "Where is Jack?"

"We're waiting for him to join" Daithi sighed

"Can we play on that cave map it's amazing" You said

"Which one? There's like 10" Ohm said

"The one with the town type thing in it and all the hide holes" You said

"Oh hell yeah that one" Daithi said

Jack joined and you started the map. You got stuck behind the seeker right off. Lucky the seeker was Daithi so you were counting on his stupidity. And just as you thought he didn't even bother looking back. You giggled to yourself and waited until he was clear of the tunnel and inside a bottom building. You slowly sneak into the cave town and take a quick look around. Daithi was walking standing down at the bottom of the cave yelling at Jack who was perched a top a shed roof. You silently pulled a lever next to you bringing the lift bucket back the top. Daithi didn't even notice. You climbed quietly into the bucket and crouched down so as not to be seen. The bucket slowly made it's way down to the town. You made your way quietly along the boardwalks trying to find some where to hide. You could hear Daithi and Jack arguing then what sounded like Jack taking off in a sprint to get away from Daithi. You sneak a glance and see Jack running along a platform across from you. There is a tapping on the window next to you which causes you to jump almost giving away your hiding spot. You look at the window to see what the knock was and see Delirious with his face mashed against the window pulling faces at you. You flip him off and continue down the stairs. You saw a back alley and headed down there. Behind you, you could hear Jack scream death before dishonor and a series of messages rang out.

Youtuber x Reader Prompts/Oneshots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now