Dorcas smiles, "Good. And may I remind you that our offer still stands, we would love to have another sister."

I merely laugh and ignore the question, still not considering the idea of leaving my sister. Our teacher begins lecturing us as we sip our tea and take notes.

After we all finish drinking our tea, we switch with our partners and use our notes to decipher what the leaves are telling us.

As I look at Dorcas's leaves, I take notes of what looks like a heart, death, and a girl. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion wondering who or what is dying in Dorcas's life.

"Now you may tell your partner what you found. In a week we will see if it was correct."

I look at Dorcas who is excitedly waiting for her fortune. I bite my lip, "It...umm...looks like someone close to you is going to die. A girl. Or maybe something in you is dying?"

Dorcas shrugs her shoulders, not caring before smirking and telling me mine, "It says that you are going to gain great knowledge."

I nod my head. The fortune wasn't so bad.

Dorcas bites her lip before whispering, "I am guessing it will be sexually with the aid of a certain curly-haired mysterious warlock."

I blush furiously at the thought before lightly slapping her arm, "Dorcas!" I hope my possible feelings for Bast aren't that obvious.

"Don't act like you and Bast aren't hooking up. I have never seen him so enamored with any girl or boy he has ever been with," Dorcas leans in to whisper, "You know, he doesn't really bother to get to know people at the school. The fact that he has spoken to you three days in a row is phenomenal."

I bite my lip, "He flirts with everyone. I mean he is 'hooking up' with the entire school."

Dorcas laughs, "You are blind if you don't see how interested in you he is. And Bast hasn't been with anybody since you came here."

I decide to change the subject; not too keen to be discussing my fictional love life, "Whatever. What class do you have next? I have Monsrology."

Dorcas shakes her head, "I have Invocation. Good luck finding someone to talk to in that class, though. No offense but nobody is crazy enough to go down to the woods and learn about magical creatures."

I shrug, not taking any offense. Many people don't like magic creatures since most of them are very fickle and can be extremely dangerous if they don't like you. I wave goodbye and go to my next class when the bell rings.

As I head down to the woods, I hear a voice call my name amount the bustling students. I stop and turn to see Bast walking up to me, "Grace, nice seeing you. Let me walk you to your next class."

"Thanks," I smile at him as he begins to walk at my pace. I grab my dad's journal out of my bag and hand it to him as we continue to walk, "Here you are. Thank you again for getting it for me."

Bast takes it, "It's no problem. I hope it helped you find what you were looking for."

I nod with a smile, "I am officially enrolled in potions."

Bast gives a singular nod, which would make anybody who didn't know him think that he was completely ignoring their presence, "Good work, Spellman"

I tilt my head, "Spellman?" Deciding not to question my latest nickname, I smile, noticing that we had arrived at the edge of the woods where my class would be meeting, "This is my stop."

Bast looks around the area as if he was searching for something before turning to me, "Well I am glad you are safe. Have a good class."

I nod my head,  waving him goodbye. Just as I turn towards my teacher, I realize that I had never mentioned anything about Batibat, so why would Bast be worried about my safety. I turned around to see if I could catch him but he was gone.

𝔹𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕖 | 𝐎𝐂  [CAOS] ¹ ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora