Chapter One

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The sun beating down, the wind taking strands of hair and misplacing them in different ways, I felt my foot start tapping as I hit play feeling the rhythm take the weight from my feet, carrying me through the small walk into the town of Vancouver. "Love, love me do, you know I love you" I hear The Beatles sing through me ear buds. Personally I prefer this music to the noise that is created in the 21st century.

I find my feet walking me into the local record shop after doing the things I need to in the town centre- I hear the similar chime of the bell above the door, walking straight past the new records and into the depths of the old ones- why old? Because they are collectable and one day probably even right now they are worth thousands but no one know what they really have on their hands. My foot is continuously tapping to the beat of the now Queen song "Another one bites the dust" as my fingers trace over every record- in hopes to find a diamond amongst thousands of old sleeves.

I come across a few that I was expecting to find- A night at the opera by Queen original print from England being one. I take it as well as others I have found and take them to the counter.

"Good morning Jess! How are you?" said Bill the owner of the shop, Bill always keeps back many of the good ones for me, as I am in Record and Roll most of the time the people, Bill in particular has taken a liking to me and my hobby of collecting the records "I am fine thank you! even better that I have found this little diamond in the rough! I don't know how you sell these so cheap" Bill chuckles.

Suddenly his eyes become wide "I have something in the back that I thought you would like hold on.. Jerry can you serve this gentleman while I get it?" he shouts of to a middle age man who is in fact Bill's son.

"Hey Jess! and sure thing dad!" the guy behind me moves next to me I see he has a newly printed version of the album I am just about to purchase and I scoff and it earning a laugh from Jerry "I am sorry is there a problem?" The guy looked up at me with big brown eyes, his hair is a firey red mess. His beauty is captivating and his accent is not one that I would normally hear. It was thick and sounded Australian almost. However had a twang. Which then gave me the conclusion this gentlman is in fact from New Zealand. I snap into reality when he clears his throat "well?" I simply giggle and shake my head "oh nothing sir I just see what your about to purchase and well it seems we are purchasing the same album" I motion towards my older more valuable one "and whats so funny about that" I shale my head again looming him dead in the eye "nothing Im just meerly pointing out that what you have is a new print that is pretty much worthless and is nothing in comparison to the original print that I am about to purchase. I just don't see why anyone would waste time and well earnt money if it doesn't have any value especially with how much that original of mine is actually worth. In a small town like this its good to know you have options to get out"

He looks at me in a state of shock as if to say how can someone so small be so fierce. "Well in that case I will be right back, this young and may I add pretty cute lady is going to help me find as she puts it a diamond in the rough" I giggle at his compliments feeling a shade of scarlet rise through my cheeks. Bill comes out with the other things for me and cashed them in. "That will be $35.95" I handed him the correct money and thanked him walking over to the red headed Kiwi in the section of records I was looking at moments ago "I hope you find what your looking for handsome. If you ever want to hear some proper music Bill over there will tell you where to find me" with out allowing him chance to respond I walk away waving good bye to Bill and Jerry exiting the shop.

I approach my home not long after leaving Bill's shop unlocking my door to be greeted by my Corgi Mickey. He was my only friend out this entire planet after leaving LA from the toxic life I had over there. I started fresh here and never managed to really make any friends. I have managed to make myself a small beauty business from doing many courses and hours working 3 jobs and now I have landed myself on the set of some teen TV show.

After a few hours of playing with Mickey and ordering a takeaway we had called it a night. Ready for my new job tomorrow. Listening to the final sweet vocals of Frank Sinatra before falling in to a deep slumber.

I lay there staring and the ceiling think about the brunette I had met today how confident but contained she was and how she was so open in what she said but still an intriguing mystery. I found myself picturing those hazel eyes boring into my own and how smart she was. Man I am glad I got her number from Jerry today. Maybe soon I will have the courage to text her.

*The next morning*

I wake up at 06:00 like every morning to go to the set dressing myself shortly after a rinse in the shower feeling the power of the shower massaging the muscles and skin it made contact with. I slowly made my way to my car.

When I arrived I was instructed to head straight to special effects and makeup with Charles and Cole. I told them all about the girl I met yesterday and how pretty she was while walk there "you know she sounds like she whooped your ass in that shop man" Charles chuckled to himself "yeah she totally had your pants down there my friend, she sounds like a keeper" Cole added I nodded my head "I know I hope to catch her again before..."

"Hey, I'm..." and as if fate was on my side there she stood. The smart mouth beauty from the shop that I had thought of constantly since she left the record shop.

Jess POV
"Hey I'm..." I get cut off by a wave of shock hitting me like a tsunami. "I'm Jess" I finish placing my hand out for the friends of the red head to shake
They said in turn "hey I recognise you" pointing to the pale dark haired man "Oh My! You're Cody!"
He chuckled at my sudden acknowledgment and star struck state "yes I am but please keep it as just Cole, I assume the fly catcher over here knows you?" He responded referring to the red head "yes we only met yesterday, I never got your name, I'm Jess"

"KJ" he took my hand instantly feel electricity between us ignite.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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