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Charlotte sat in her dorm room studying for a big test the following day

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Charlotte sat in her dorm room studying for a big test the following day. Kate was sitting across from her on her own bed blasting music— the Top 40. Oh, how Charlotte hated the Top 40. Even as Nat King Cole crooned in her earbuds, she could hear the obnoxious music. She didn't have the heart to tell Kate— she knew that her friend enjoyed it very much.

Her now-blonde hair hung loosely in curls over her shoulders, slightly obstructing her view of the paper in front of her. She liked her blonde hair, she did, but she missed the red. Kate and Foggy wouldn't stop teasing her about it, and about how different she looked with it.

There was a knock on the door that she was surprised either of them heard over the music. Kate popped up from her bed after seeing that Charlotte was busy, and opened the door. Matt stood there, and a smile found its way to Charlotte's mouth. Kate directed him toward her and closed the door behind him.

She pulled the earbuds from her ears and hopped off of her bed to meet him in the middle of the room. She didn't hesitate even for a second before pressing her lips to his. Even when Kate complained.

"Oh, god, get a room!"

"We're in one, Katie," Charlotte retorted. "The only thing restraining us is you."

Kate rolled her eyes, but still smiled at them. "I'm going to see Foggy. Bye, Char."

"Bye, Kate." She turned to Matt, her brow furrowed. "Foggy's still dating her?"

"She's pretty," Matt replied, shrugging. "He thinks he's in love."

"She does, too. She's never been in love before."

Matt sighed then, hanging his head as if some great shame rested on his shoulders. "I have something to tell you."

"Of course. What is it?"

"Let's sit down first." He lead her to her bed and sat down beside her on it, both turning halfway to face each other. He wouldn't look at her.

"Matt? What's going on? You're scaring me."

"Something happened." That was all that came out. All he could make come out.

"What? Are you sick? Foggy?"

"No, nothing like that." He tried meeting her eyes, but they soon looked back down at his hands. "Charlotte, I met someone."

"What do you mean?" It took a great effort to keep her voice from shaking.

"I met a woman. Her name is Elektra. I. . . she seduced me, and I. . . I slept with her."

She was certain that she was shaking. It was so impossible, that her perfect boyfriend could do something so awful, so unforgivable. She was completely silent. Frighteningly so.


"Get out." Even in her state of upset, of rage, of terror, her voice was deadly calm.


"Get. Out. Now."

He obeyed, though reluctantly. She didn't watch him go.

Days later, he showed up at her door with flowers. A huge bouquet, filled with various kinds, none of them her favourite. Filled with all different colours of roses, which she hated. She refused him and closed the door in his face.

But he knocked again and again, refusing to leave until she talked to him. She finally allowed him in reluctantly, though she made him sit on a chair across the room. She sat on her bed and continued with the work she was doing for school.

"Charlotte," he spoke softly, his voice pained. "I know that I fucked up. It's no one's fault but mine. It's not her fault for seducing me, and it's not your fault for any reason. It's mine. I don't have any excuses— there's nothing that could excuse it. But I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, Charlotte. And I understand if you don't care, if you don't want me anymore. And if you still want me to leave for good, I will. I won't bother you anymore. But I had to at least try, because I've never loved anyone like I love you."

She didn't reply, but the hand holding a pen and writing froze on the page. She dropped it onto the bed and sighed, eyes closed. When she still didn't speak, he stood and walked to the door.

Just as he opened it, she spoke. "If you ever, ever, do that to me again, I will never forgive you for it."

The door closed. "I'm so sorry, Charlotte."

"You get one more chance. One. If you fuck me over again, you're done."

He came over to her and pulled her onto her feet. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Matt."

He sighed in relief, as if he'd just been waiting for those words. He pulled her in close, so close that his lips hovered over hers. "Can I kiss you now?"

She only nodded, and let him kiss her, both with an insecurity there that had not been there before.

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