Chapter 7 (last chapter)

Start from the beginning

He could see Niall and Harry exchanging worried glances, but he couldn't care less. About three weeks ago everything was perfect, and now, sitting on his bed feeling more miserable than he ever felt, he couldn't think about another option. His happiness was't in Yale anymore, so he should look somewhere else.

"Why don't you wait until the break and then you go home, spend some weeks at home and then you decide what you want?" Zayn asked, trying to find a solution for that situation.

"No Zayn, I can't stand this place. I need to go home, have some time for me, you know? Maybe find a job, who knows? But I won't stay here, I'm leaving."

And with that, the boy jumped from his bed and left the room, with a towel on his shoulders. Zayn and Niall glanced at each other, wondering what the boy would do next.


Since he found out that Harry was dating someone, Louis didn't sit under trees to read his books and do his works anymore. Instead, he chose to hide himself at the library: the place was quiet and peaceful, like the place was keeping a secret with every single one of the students.

Today he was reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird" because he needed to write a brief thesis about the book. But he couldn't concentrate, since the only thing he could think about was Harry and how broken he seemed to be when Louis yelled at him.

"Hey." A guy was standing right in front of him, blue eyes meeting his own. Louis glanced at him, his icy blue ones shining at the lights of the library.

"Hi." Louis simply said, before looking back at his book.

"Are you Louis?" The boy asked. Louis glanced at him, studying the boy up and down: his blonde hair was too white to be real, and he and Louis were almost of the same height. The brown haired one closed his book, putting it down.

"Who's asking?" He snapped, his eyebrows raising, challenging the boy to say the wrong answer.

"I'm Niall, I'm Harry's friend." The boy said, trying to smile.

"Oh." Louis whispered, his mouth hanging open. After processing the information, Louis stood up and started to pack his things, trying not to look to the guy anymore.

"Wait. Don't do that." He said.

"Why are you here? What are you trying to do? Send me a message from him or something?" Louis asked abruptly, shoving his books on his backpack.

"No, I'm not. It's just... Look, I'm not asking you to forgive Harry or something, I know what he did was wrong-"

"Indeed it was." Louis interrupted him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And I don't know if you know this yet but he broke up with Sarah and-"

"I couldn't care less." Louis interrupted him again, shoving his backpack over his shoulder.

"Look, what he did was wrong okay? It really was! But I know how he loved Sarah and I swear I thought they would be together for like, forever and stuff but then he met you and I know, I really know, that if Harry broke up with her is because he likes you too much. He loves you, Louis.

Louis stood there, his eyes empty just like his mind. He didn't know what to do nor what to think, he just stayed there staring at Niall.

"The fact is, he's going to leave Yale. He's going to abandon Yale and go back home and... He's one of my best friends, I can't let him go." Niall said, sadness taking over his face.

"H-He's... leaving?" Louis asked, tears starting to fill his eyes up.

"Yeah, he said he can't stay here any longer. And I understand that you're mad at him, I really do. But, could you please try to stop him? I think you're the only one who could do that." Niall said, getting closer to Louis.

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